Biology Scheme of Work for SS 3 Federal

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Biology Curriculum
Biology Curriculum

Science Senior Secondary Education Curriculum. SS 3 Biology Scheme of Work Federal first, Second and third term –


1REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM AND REPRODUCTION IN HUMANi). Parts and functions of reproductive part of human ii). Structure of male sperm cell and female egg celli). Show charts of male and female reproductive system ii). Show charts of male sperm and female gamete iii). Students should identify and observe them.  
2REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN HUMANS CENTNUES(i) fertilization – fusion of gametes implantation (ii) development of embrayo – selective exchange between mother and child  â€“ removal of excretory products feotus.  i). Show photograph or chart of a developing feotus ii). Show the specimen i.e. Developing feotus in the laboratory.  
3DEVELOPMENT OF SEEDS AND FRUITS(i) Process of development of Zygote in flowering plants – pistil, stem, fertilization ii). Germination of seeds iii). Types of germination iv). Conditions necessary for germination v). Fruits – structure of fruits – types of fruits and seed – agents of dispersal  â€“differences between fruits and seeds  i). Provides students with dissected flowers to show the parts involved in fertilization ii). Guides students to soak seeds in water and plants some in milk tin to observe types of germination and conditions necessary for germination iii). Show different types of fruits and seeds and let students know their differences 
4REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIORSCourtship behaviors in animals pairing – territoriality, display of colours and body parts, seasonal migration – muptical flight e.g. termites(i) shows students pictures of colorful birds and preserved specimen of Agama lizard ii). Take students to where lizards, cocks, turkey bask to note the courtship behaviors
5BIOLOGY OF HEREDITYi). Definition of heredity ii). Transmission and expression of characters in organisms iii). Variation – Definition iv). Chromosomes – Location and structures v). Process of transmission of heredity tracts from parents to offspring vi). Probability in genetics  i). Discuses with students Mandels experiments with red and white flowered peas ii). Show students a chart depicting products of cross fertilization and self fertilization.
6BIOLOGY OF HEREDITY CONTINUESi). Mendels work in genetics ii). Application of the principles of heredity – In agriculture for seed improvement, and disease resistance. – In medicine e.g. sickle cell management. – compatibility of blood groups. iii). Explain the terms – Gross fertilization self fertilization – out breeding and in breeding using crosses.  i). Carry out mendelian cross to explain offspring’s genotypes ii). Students carry out mendelian cross to explain offspring’s genotypes.  
7VARIATION IN POPULATIONi). Morphological variation (physical appearance of individuals) a). size, height, weight, b) colour (skin hair, eyes, coat of animals) c). finger print ii). Physiological variation a). Behaviour b). Ability to role tongue  c). Ability to taste phenyl thiocarba mide (PTC) iii). Application of variations (a) Crime detection b). Blood transfusion c). Determination of paternity.  i). Teacher measures the height of students of the same age group e.g. 13-15 and 16-17 year ii). Teacher ask students to roll their tongues iii). Ask students if they know their blood group iv). Demonstrates the making of finger prints and identify the different patterns made e.g. Whorl, Arch, loop.
8EVOLUTIONi). Progressive change in structures and anatomy of organism using example or features from water to land ii). Structural adaptation:- Adaptive coloration and their functions e.g. Camouflage income leons, green snake, in green grass bright colour of flowers to attract pollination iii). Structural adaptation for obtaining food e.g. Probosis for sucking cell sap insects mimicry colours for security mates for regulating temperature etc.  iv). Different castles of termites and their roles.  i). Teacher show life specimens of tadpoles in the external gill stage, fish with internal gills and toad with lungs ii). Provides male Agama Lizard to show colours iii). Discuses with students the reality of the law of use and discuses by referring to boxers or athletes iv). Show termites soldiers king, queen and reproductive males and females.  Teacher show a broken pieces of castes of termites to the students
9THEORY OF EVOLUTIONi).Theories of evolution (Darwins) ii). Larmaks evolutionary law ii). Modern evolution theory iv). Evidence of evolution – fossu record, – Embryology v). forces responsible for evolution, – mutation, gene flow and genetic drift   i). Discusses the possibility of transfer of such acquired characteristics e.g. Can a footballers child have big and developed leg even without training?
10PRACTICAL ON FOOD TESTi). Test for presence of starch ii). Test for presence of protein iii). Test for the presence of simple reducing sugar. iv). Test for a complex sugar.i). Teacher set up the experiment in the laboratory. ii). Allow the students to participate. iii). Students write and draw the inference.  
11PRACTICAL OF FLOWERS AND FRUITSi). Arrangement of floral parts, placenta ion, types of cevary conditions necessary for photosynthesis e.g. Pride of Barbados, flame of the forest, Hibiscus   i). Show the life flower ii). Show the floral part of the flower

Science Senior Secondary Education Curriculum. SS 3 Biology Scheme of Work Federal first, Second and third term –


1REVISIONi). Revision of all relevant topic in national examination ii). Revision of past WAEC NECO and UME QuestionsTeachers using the past questions booklets and other relevant text books to revise with the students.  
2REVISION ON PRACTICAL’SRevision of past practical questions alternative to practical  Teacher using some relevant practical books, past questions and other relevant specimens.  

Science Senior Secondary Education Curriculum. SS 3 Biology Scheme of Work Federal first, Second and third term –

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