ERC Federal Biology Scheme of Work for SS 1. Micro and Macro nutrients, Herbivores, carnivores –
1 2. 3. | RECOGNISING LIVING THINGS CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING THINGS CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING THINGS CONT. | (I) Characteristics of living thing. ii) Difference between plant and animals ii) Levels of organization of Life with examples. I) kingdom Monra:- Characteristics & examples ii) Kingdom protista Characteristics & example i) Kingdom fungi:- Characteristics & examples ii) Kingdom plantae :- Characteristics & examples iii) Kingdom Animalia :- Characteristics examples Note: the kingdoms should be classified into prokaryotes and eukaryotes: also in kingdom plantae the difference between higher and lower plant should be emphasized. | I. The teacher groups the student into two, one group to collect living things and the other group to collect non-living things for comparison. ii) Teacher provides a living cockroach and a potted plant, asks student to write down their observation. i) Teacher to grow culture of bacteria and blue – green algae, asks student to observe the cultures, record and make inferences. i) Teacher guide students to uproot the farm plant, collect lemon, pistia (water lettuce), break some branches of shrubs & bring them into the laboratory, asks student to observe all the specimens, record and make inferences. |
4 | THE CELL | i) Cell as a living unit of living organism ii) The cell theory iii) Forms in which living things exist — independent organism — As a colony — As filament, iv) Cell structures and functions of cell component. v) Differences between plants and animal cell. | I). Teacher Provide Prepared slides of Paramecium or Euglena, volvox and spirogyra, asks students to observe the slides under the microscope and record their observation. Ii). Teacher mounts slides of plant and animal cells for student to observe, draw, label and note their difference and similarities. |
5. | CELL & ITS ENVIROMENT | i)Diffusion – Definition, processes & significance ii) Osmosis – Definition, processes & significance iii) Definition of Plasmolysis, Haemolysis, Turgidity and flaccidity. iv) Biological importance. | i) Teacher provides perfume and request a student to spray at one end of the classroom and ask the student to describe what happened ii) Teacher to demonstrate diffusion and osmosis using living and non-living components. |
6 | PROPERTIES & FUNTIONS OF THE CELL | i) feeding:- Definition and types a) Autotrophic nutrition photosynthetic nutrition chemosynthetic nutrition b) Heterotrophic nutrition and mode of nutrition. | i) The teacher sets up experiment to show the effects of different nutrients or spirogyra. Asks students to observe record and discuss experiments. |
7 | PROPERTIES & FUNCTIONS OF THE CELL CONTINUE | i) Micro and Macro nutrients ii) Deficiency and effects of macro elements Respiration i) Gaseous exchange (external respiration) ii) Glycolysis iii) Aerobic respiration (kreb cycle) iv) Anaerobic respiration (lactic acid formation) v) Difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. vi) Role of enzyme in cellular respiration | i) Teacher sets experiments to show respiration in yeast (anaerobic) and respiration in rat (aerobic) ii) Teacher draws the krebs cycle on the chalkboard and asks the students to draw also. iii) Teacher demonstrates to students action of ptyalin on cooked starch and the student also produce saliva from their mouths to carry out the experiment. |
8 | EXCRETION | i) Definition of excretion ii) importance of excretion iii) Difference between excretion, secretion and egestion. iv) Diagram of excretory organelle v) products of different excretory organelle vi) forms in which excretory product are excreted. | i) Teacher ask students to run round the class to produce sweat and observe what happens to them then and after a minutes. |
9 | GROWTH. | I) Basis of Growth – Cell Division (Mitosis) , Cell enlargement and cell differentiation. ii) regulation of growth by hormones iii) Example of animal hormones v) growth measurement (height, weight , dry mass, size | i) Teacher demonstrates growth by students measuring their height (length) and weight. |
10. | IRRITABILITY | i. Cell reaction to its environment, irritability as a basic characteristics of protoplasm. ii. Types of responses with example: Nastic, tropic and taxis. iii. Positive and negative responses | i. Demonstration of Nastic response using Nimoss pudica plant ii. Demonstration of the response to light and earth using plant shoot and plant root. iii. Teacher perform experiments to show |
11 | MOVEMENT | Ai. Definition and importance ii. cyclosis in protozoa iii. organelles for movement iv. growth movement as regulated by axins B. Reproduction i. Types of reproduction – sexual and asexual ii. difference between sexual and asexual iii. meiosis | a. Phototrophic response of shoots. b. geotropic response of roots c. geotropic response of shoots d. phototadic response in earth worms |
12. | REPRODUCTION CONTINUES | i. Reproduction in Amoeba – Paramecium – Spirogyra – Earthworm – Housefly – Cockroach – Snails – Yeast ii. Vegetative or artificial reproduction | i. Teacher provide yeast, warm water and plastics bowls and also provides prepared slides of conjugation in paramecium, asks students to examine mounted paramecium, identify and draw conjugating paramecium using microscopes or power lens. |
13 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
14 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
1 | TISSUE AND SUPPORTING SYSTEM | i) Definition of supporting and systems. ii) Types of skeleton Hydrostatic skeleton Exo (ecto) skeleton Endo – skeleton iii) Skeletal materials:- Chitin, cartilage and bone iv) Functions of supporting tissues in plants and animals – protection, support, locomotion, strength, rigidity, resistance to forces of wind and water. | i) Teacher and students together provide cockroaches, grasshoppers, centipede, earthworm and cartilaginous fish, individual bone of the mammalian skeleton and infant mammalian skeleton, asks students to observe all the specimen taking note of the different skeleton and stating the types of skeleton. ii) Teacher provide small mammal and guide students to produce a mammalian skeleton, ask students to identify and list the main parts of the mammalian skeleton. |
2 | VERTEBRATE SKELETON | i) Axial skeleton – The skull and vertebral column ii) Appendicular skeleton – The limbs, sternum and ribs, limb girdle. | i) Teacher provides relevant materials for students to make working model of a human arm, ask students to observe the protection functions of the shell of snails, skull of toad. |
3 | SUPPORTING TISSUE IN PLANTS | i) Types of supporting tissue in plants ii) Location of supporting tissue in plants iii) Structures and components of supporting tissues in plants e.g. collenchymas, paranchyma, xylem, phloem etc. | i) Teacher provides transverse section of stems and roots of monocotyledons and dicotyledons plants, asks students to view transverse section of roots and stem under the microscope and make drawing of the tissue taking note of the shape of the cells of the various tissues |
4 | A) NUTRITION IN ANIMALS B) MODE OF NUTRITION | i) Food substances – classes with examples ii) Concept of balance diet and its importance iii) Food test i) Types of heterotrophic nutrition – holozoic, saprophytic and parasite nutrition ii) Feeding mechanism in holozoic organisms – filter feeding, fluid feeding and deposit feeding | i) Teacher provides garri, yam, rice, meat, butter, common salt, fish, prewn, pepper, cowpea, sabs etc to the class, ask students to categorize the food items under four classes of food. i) Teacher exposes some pieces of meat in the laboratory, ask students to observe flies feed on them and record their observation. |
5 | A) MAMMALIAN TEETH B) ENZYMES | i) Forms – milk and permanent teeth ii) Types – Incisors, canines, premolar & molar iii) Structures of a tooth (canine / molar) iv) Dental formular and adaption – Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores i) Definition of enzymes ii) Characteristic of enzymes iii) Types of digestive enzymes – sources, location, substance acted upon and effect/products iv) importance / functions of enzymes | i) Teacher collects different types of teeth from the abattoir and from killed cats or dogs, ask students to observe the different teeth, draw and label them. i) Teacher performs experiment to test for the acidity of the enzyme ptyalin, ask students to observe the experiment, record and discuss their observations. |
6 | BASIC ECOLOGICAL CONCEPTS A) COMPONENTS OF ECOSYSTEM | i) Components of an ecosystem – Biotic (living) and Abiotic (non-living) component – Aquatic and terrestrial component. ii) Definitions of common terms in ecological studies – environment, population, biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, nicher habitat, biotic, community, ecosystem. i) Local communities (biomes) – Nigeria ecological region (sahel, sudan, guinea savanna, tropical forest, swamp forest) ii) Major biomes of the world: Tropical forest, savanna, desert, shrub, apro – alphine and swamps. | i) Teacher takes students on a fieldtrip to at least one of the biotic communities e.g. forest reserve or a botanic garden, ask students to study the community, record and discuss. ii) Teacher makes available study charts, photographs and films of different biotic communities in Nigeria and biomes of the world. |
7 | POPULATION STUDIES BY SAMPLING METHOD | i) Population size, population dominance, population density ii) Factors affecting population iii) Ecological factors affecting aquatic and terrestrial habitat iv) Importance of ecological factors to population of plant & animals | i) Teacher guides the students to measure sizes of the ecosystem. ii) Teacher displays ecological instruments ask student to study them and discuss, show students how to improvise some measuring instruments e.g. wind vane |
8 | ECOLOGICAL FACTORS CONTINUES | i) Relationship between soil types and water holding effects of soil on vegetation ii) Simple measurement of ecological factors and measuring instrument e.g. physical factors and edaphic factors. | i) Students with the help of the teacher perform the experiment to compare water holding capacity in the three samples of soil e.g. loamy, clay and sandy soil |
9 | FUNCTIONING ECOSYSTEM | i) Definitions of autotrophy & heterotrophy ii) Definition of terms – Producer, consumers, aquatic and terrestrial iii) Examples of producers and consumers. | i) Teacher show samples of autotrophs and heterophs to students ii) Student collect organisms and classify them as producers, consumers and decomposers. |
10 | TROPHIC LEVELS | i) Definition of food chain and food web ii) Non-cycle nature of energy transfer iii) Nutrient movement (energy flow) in aquatic and terrestrial habitat. iv) Pyramid of number and energy v) Nature of energy flow in food chain and food web. | i) Guide students to make chart showing relationship among organisms e.g. food chain, food web. ii) Students to develop a chart showing relationships among organisms (food chain, food web) |
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1 | ENERGY TRANSFORMATION IN NATURE | i). Energy loss in ecosystem II). Laws of thermodynamics iii) Application of law of thermodynamics to ecological phenomenon. Iv). Food chain. | i). Teacher uses the law of thermodynamics to explain energy flow across the tropic levels. |
2 | RELEVANCE OF BIOLOGY TO AGRICULTURE. | i) classification of plants ii) Botanical classification e.g. algae, spermatophyte ii) Agricultural classification e.g. fibre plant non- fibre plant. iv) Classification based on life cycle e.g. annual biennial and perennials. | i) Teacher shows student various type of plant and classifies them. |
3 | EFFECTS OF AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITTIES ON ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM | i) Effect of bush burning , tillage , fertilizers, herbicide and pesticide application. ii) Effect of different types of farming method on ecosystem | i) takes students, on field trip to a farm land cleared by burning. ii) Teacher leads student to visit farm projects and herbicide. |
4 | PEST & DISEASES OF AGRICULTURAL IMPORTANCE. | i) Definition and types of pests ii) life cycle of pests iii) control of pests iv) Disease – types of diseases | i) takes students to a livestock farm to identify pests of animals ii) student make a table showing local farm livestock pests and disease they cause |
5 | FOOD PRODUCTION AND STORAGE. | i) Role of food in agricultural production ii) factors affecting production and storage iii) ways of improving crop yield iv) cause of wastage v) Methods of preserving and storing food. | i) Demonstrate different food storage methods to student e.g. drying, salting etc. |
6 | POPULATION GROWTH & FOOD SUPPLY. | i) relationship between availability of food and human population ii) effects of food shortage iii) Government effort to increase food production e.g. Agricultural resolution | i) collect a large number of insects and use them to demonstrate the effect of food shortage. |
7. | MICRO ORGANISMS AROUND US | i)classification e.g. viruses bacteria, fungi protozoa ii) carriers e.g. victors and transmitting organisms. iii) beneficial effects and harmful effects. iv) growth of micro-organism v) control and prevention of micro-organism disease (public health) | i) Divide the student into working groups, provide each group with sterilized Petri- dishes which contain culture medium ii) Student in each group grow cultures of micro organism from air, water and under the finger nails |
8 | AQUATIC HABITAT | i) Definition ii) Types of aquatic habitat iii) aquatic organism and its adaptive features iv) Characteristics of aquatic habitat v) Food chain and food web in aquatic habitats | i) Observe the pattern of distribution of the biotic components in the habitats and their adaptive features. |
9. | TERRESTRIAL HABITAT | i) Definition ii) types of terrestrial habitat iii) Terrestrial organisms and their adaptive features iv) Characteristics of terrestrial habitat v) Food chain and food web in terrestrial habitat | i) Construct food chain of the biotic component |
10. | CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS | i) Classification of plants into seed bearing and non seed bearing ii) Classification of plants into cereals and legumes iii) Classification into root crops, vegetables fruits, beverage and drug, oils latex (fibre) | i) Leads students to classify the specimens using agricultural classification |
11 | DIGESTIVE SYSTEM | i) Types of digestive system (alimentary canal) ii) Description and functions of the parts of alimentary tract iii) Diagram of digestive tract of different groups of organisms. | i) With the aid of dissected specimens, models, charts, teach the alimentary canals of planariam, earthworm, grasshopper, birds and rabbits |
12 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination | Examination |