BST: Basic Technology Scheme of Work for JSS 3 Federal

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basic science and technology curriculum

Junior Secondary BST Scheme of work, FCT Basic Technology Scheme of work for JSS 3, Rotary to Linear Motion –


Definition of gears
Uses of gears
Types of gears
Calculating the speed of gear and gear ratio
Teacher defines gears
Teacher mentions uses of gears
Students list the types of gear.                                               
2CHANGING THE DIRECTION OF DRIVES Changing the direction of drives in gears.Teacher discusses changing of direction in gear. Students participate  
     3MOTION Definition of motionTypes of motionDescription of the types of motionTeacher defines motion Students mention types of motion    
4.LINEAR MOTION Lever arrangement to bring about linear motionHow slides could bring about linear motion.How slots bring about linear motion (introduction)Teacher guides the students to discuss lever arrangement. Teacher demonstrates how slides bring about linear motion. Students participate.
5.USES OF SLIDES AND SLOTS Slides to bring about movement (linear)Slots to bring about linear motion (Mechanical system)Teacher demonstrates how slides bring about motion. Students participate.
6.ROTARY MOTION Definition of rotary motionTypes of rotary motionDescription of the two types of rotary motion (introduction)Teacher defines rotary motion and explains types. Students participate in class discussion.  
7.PRINCIPLES OF APPLICATION AND CONVERSION OF ROTARY MOTION Conversion of rotary motion to linear motionConversion of rotary motion to viceClutchesTeacher explains conversion of rotary to linear motion. students discuss conversion of rotary motion to vice
8.ROTARY TO LINEAR MOTION Conversion of rotary motion to linear motionpracticalTeacher explains conversion of rotary motion to linear motion. Teacher demonstrates the conversion and students participate.
9.SOLDERING Definition of solderingTypes of solderingDescription of the types of solderingTeacher defines soldering. Teacher mentions types of soldering. Teacher guides students to demonstrate how soldering is been carried out.
10.BRAZING Definition of brazingBrazing equipmentTeacher defines brazing Teacher guides the students to identify types of brazing equipment.
11.SOLDERING Operation of brazingTypes of soldering (extensive)How to carryout soldering  Teacher demonstrate soldering operation.. Teacher guides the students to mention types of soldering. Teacher guides student to demonstrate how soldering is been carried out. Students participate s
12.OPERATION OF BRAZING Joints for brazingProcedure for brazingSafety precautions during brazing.Teacher explains joints for brazing Teacher demonstrate procedure for brazing Students participate Teacher guides students to demonstrate safety precaution that must observed during brazing.


1DRAWING PRACTICE: Meaning of oblique drawing.State the difference between oblige and perfective drawingTeacher defines oblique drawing Teacher guides students to state different between oblige and perfective drawing.
2.DRAWING PRACTICE: Meaning of oblique drawingState the difference between oblique and perspectiveTeacher explains meaning of oblige. Teacher state the different between oblique and perspective.   
3ISOMETRIC DRAWING OF SIMPLE SHAPES. Draw an isometric scaleIsometric drawing of simpleTeacher guides the students to draw isometric scale. Teacher demonstrate isometric scale
4SIMPLE OBLIQUE DRAWING. State the two types of oblique drawingsProduce an oblique drawing of simple shape. Teacher guides the students to state the two types of oblique drawings.
5.OBLIQUE DRAWING Simple oblique drawingsCabinet oblique drawingCavallies obliqueTeacher explains simple oblique simple oblique drawing. Teacher demonstrates an oblique  drawing Students participate
6.ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Meaning of orthographic projectionDifferences between the two basic methods of representing objects on paperTeacher defines Orthographic projection. Teacher guides the student to state the two differences between basic methods of presenting objects on paper.
7.ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION Draw and dimension orthographic view of simple objectsProjection planesTeacher draws and explains
8.COMPONENTS Principle viewAngle of projectionName the principal viewsTeacher explains principles of view. Teacher explains angle projection Students participate in class activities.
9.PLACING PRINCIPLE VIEW The two quadrants of a circleThe three principal viewsFirst angle projectionTeacher demonstrates two quadrants of a circle Teacher demonstrates three principal views and first angle projection.
10.DIMENSIONING TECHNIQUE Dimensioning a circleHow dimensions are placedA rectangular block showing dimensionTeacher demonstrates dimensioning of a circle. Teacher guides the students to demonstrate how dimension is been placed.
11.ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWING One point perspective drawingTeacher demonstrates one point perspective drawing. Students participate in the demonstration.
12.FURTHER ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWING MeasuringComparing and sizes of scale drawingTeacher defines measuring Teacher guides student in the comparing and sizing of scale.
13Revision / Examination 

Junior Secondary BST Scheme of work, FCT Basic Technology Scheme of work for JSS 3 –


1METAL WORK Marking outPrinciples of marking outMarking out from the centre line as datumTeacher defines marking out. Teacher guides students to state the principles of marking out. Students participate in marking out from the centre.
2.CUTTING, CHISELLING AND FILING TO SIZE Cutting and filling to sizeHack sawingFillingTeacher demonstrates: Cutting and filling to size Hack sawing Filling Students participate in the demonstration.
3.BENDING AND FOLDING TOOL Bending and foldingTools commonly used for bending and foldingTeachers demonstrates: Bending and folding Tools commonly used for bending and folding Students participate in the demonstration.  
4WOOD WORK ProductionFellingConversionSeasoningTeachers demonstrates: Production Felling Conversion Seasoning Students participate in the demonstration.  
5.WOOD WORK Identify and state uses of woodwork machinesParts of toolsTeachers demonstrates: and state uses of woodwork machines Teacher guides students to mention parts of tools.
6.WOOD WORK Safe use of portable power toolsKeep power tools and machines in good working conditionTeacher guides the students to mention safe use of portable power tools    
““““““`WOOD WORK (JOINTS) FrameTablesBoxesTeacher  guides the students to define: Frame Tables Boxes Students participate in class discussion.  

Junior Secondary Basic Technology Scheme of work for JSS 3 –

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