BST: Basic Science Scheme of Work for JSS 2 Federal

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Basic science curriculum
Basic science curriculum

Basic Science and Technology Scheme, Federal Basic Science Scheme of work for JSS 2, Thermal Energy –


1LIVING THINGS (I) 1.Habitat and examples 2.Adaptation of living things to their habitat 3. Relationship between organisms in the same habitat. 4. Characteristics of a marsh 5. Formation of marshes 6. Types of marshes 7. Plants and animals that lives in marshes.Take students to visit different habitats.  
2LIVING THINGS (II) 1. Uniqueness of human beings. Measurement of growth and developmental changes 3.Growth changes in height, weight and size 4. Characteristics features of different developmental features. 5. Classification of growth and developmental changes.Follow teacher’s instructions to carry out listed measurement
3CHEMICAL (I) 1.Measuring chemicals 2.Classes of chemical -based on use -base on hazardous nature 3.Safety measure when using chemical 4. Identify chemical industries in their locality.-Demonstrated the uses of some safety devices when holding chemical
4CHEMICALS (II) 1. Guide students to identify hazardous chemicals. 2.Demonstrate the use of some devices when handling chemical 3. Environmental problems created by chemical industries. 4. Chemical Symbols of elements and their valences. 5. Distinguish between elements, compounds and mixtures. 6. Write chemical formulae and chemical equations-Display samples of chemicals to class. -Match chemical with appropriate storage containers
5.CHEMICSL INDUSTRIES Chemical symbols of element s and their valencesDistinguish between elements compound and mixtures-Display charts showing elements and their valences  
6.Locomotion (I)The human skeletonFunctions of the skeleton-look at a complete skeleton of a man or a dog of any other animal, and count the member of bones in the back bone.
7.Locomotion (II) MusclesBonesJoints-Lead the students to study the way different animals move.
8.(1) Food types and composition (2) Digestion (3) The alimentary canal. (4) The blood-Lead discussion on the chart showing the alimentary canal.
9.(1) The blood circulatory system (2) Blood diseases. (3) Respiration (4) kinds of respiration (5) excretion-Lead the students to demonstrate various ways to illustrate respiration.
10.(1) Growth and development (2) A balance diet (3) Health Preserving foods (4) Planning a diet-Display charts showing balance diet.
11.Interdependence of living things Energy chains and food chainsHow do plants make their foodCycles in nature -the carbon cycle -the nitrogen cycle -the water cycle      4.  The balance of nature– cover a final area of grass for a week, the look at the grass and describe it – Leads the Students to describe the food chain

Basic Science and Technology Scheme, Federal Basic Science Scheme of work for JSS 2 –


1.Types of energy a. Kinetic energy b.Assumption 2.Explanation of some phenomena using kinetic theory
3.Explanation of boiling and evaporation using kinetic theory.
4. Factors that affect evaporation.
6. Practical: measuring temperature using thermometer in boiling water
7. Sublimation
8. Cloud, mist. Fog
9. Condensation
Teacher; Guides students to carry out activities on boiling and evaporation and discuss findings. Students: Deduce the factors that affect evaporation from their observation.  
2THERMAL ENERGY 1.Heat flow 2.Heat transfer a. Conduction b.Convention and c.Radiation 3. Practical using a spoon for instance for heat flow.Teacher: Guides students to illustrate thermal energy with activity Student: Heat one end of iron rod while holding the other. The palm gets warm with time.
3WORK ENERGY AND POWER(I) 1.Measuring work, energy and power 2. Measuring of potential and kinetic energy. 3. Calculation on work done. 4. Energy transfer when work is done.Teacher: Leads the students to solve examples. Students: Study and practice solving similar problem
4WORK ENERGY AND POWER(II) 1. Use material e.g. Ball, a stone for activity on the potential kinetic energy. 2. Lead student to illustrate potentials of kinetic energy. 3. Initiates and leads discussion to show that energy transfer occur when work is done.Teacher: Leads the students to solve some examples. Students: Study and practice solving problems.
5.WORK ENERGY AND POWER(III) 1. Calculations involving energy i.e. energy transfer when work is done. 2. More calculations on energy transfer should be done.  Teacher: Leads students to solve some example. Student: Study and practice solving problems.
6.1. Simple machines 2. Types of machine 3. Levers – First class lever – Second class lever – Third class lever 4. Gears– Display sample of simple machines and discuss them with the students.
7.ACTIVITIES OF LIVING THINGS Continuity of lifeTypes of reproductionVegetative reproductionThe make-up of plants and animals  Take students to the school garden or orehand  
8.ACTIVITIES OF LIVING THINGS (II) Sexual reproductionSexual reproduction in plantsHow does pollution occur?Sex cells in animalsFertilization without water  Display charts and pictures on reproductionDisplay charts and pictures
9.ACTIVITIES OF LIVING THINGS (III) Child careReproduction in birdsDevelopment and growthGrowthConditions for germination  Keep some caterpillars in an insect cage, feeding them on the kind of leaves on which found them. What happens after a time
10.NUTRITION AND DIETS IN MAN (I) CarbohydratesFatsProteins  Lead the students to carryout tests on starch and glucoseCarryout simple test for proteins using million’s reagents
11.NUTRITION AND DIETS IN MAN (II) VitaminsMineral saltsWater  Students: Draw a table showing summary of uses of nutrients in the body
12.HEALTH AND DISEASES Types of diseaseMalariaThe houseflyThe control of diseases and their vectors  Display charts and pictures to show the life history of mosquitoes and housefly
13.Revision /Examination 


1WORK ENERGY AND POWER(II) 1.Use material eg. Ball, a stone for activity on the potential kinetic energy. 2. Lead student to illustrate potentials of kinetic energy. 3. Initiates and leads discussion to show that energy transfer occur when work is done. 4. Interchange ability of work and energyTeacher: Leads the students to solve some examples. Students: Study and practice solving problems.
2WORK ENERGY AND POWER(III) 1. Calculations involving energy i.e. energy transfer when work is done. 2. More calculations on energy transfer power should be done.Teacher: Leads students to solve some example. Student: Study and practice solving problems.
3.THE EARTH’S AND ITS RESOURCES (I) The erth’s surface and structureThe soilRocksResources from the earth  Teacher: Take the students to the school Geographic garden.
4.THE EARTH’S AND ITS RESOURCES (II) Investigating mineralsSoil erosion and weatheringSoil conservation  Teacher: Take the students to the school Geographic garden
5.MAN IN SPACE (I) Outside the earthObserving the heavenly bodiesThe rotation of the earthRevolution of the earth  Display charts showing the earth and the heavenly bodies
6.MAN IN SPACE (II) The atmosphereWindsThe moonGravityWeight  Display charts showing the satellite
7.MAN IN SPACE (III) The starsThe sun and the solar systemAsteroidsComets and meteorsSpace travel  Teacher: Take the students to any space centre.
8.SOLAR COLLECTOR Solar systemFlat plate collectorsConstruction of a solar panel  Teacher leads the students to construct a solar planet
9.OUR ENVIRONMENT Biotic and abiotic factorsTerrestrial and aquatic environmentHabitatCommunity and populationBalance in a habitat  Teacher: Take the students to any forest reserve
10.ELECTRIC CHARGES Production of chargesTypes of chargesDistribution of chargesStorage of charges  Teacher: Guide the students in producing charges using different bodies
11.FLUIDS AT REST AND IN MOTION Surface tensionViscosityApplications.  Discuss the application of viscosity in the design of ships, aeroplane etc

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