Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1. Exploring your environment, Soil, Air and Water, Color (identification) –
Week 1
Topic: Exploring your environment
Performance objectives
- Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the school
- Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safely
- Things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Types of roads within and outside the school
- Walking along the road and crossing the road
Teacher’s Activities
- Takes pupils on a study walk around and outside the school
- Demonstrates walking safely along the road and crossing the road
- Encourages pupils to observe and list things in the home
Student’s Activities
- Pupils observe and list things in the school environment
- Draw some of the things around the school
- Demonstrate working safely along the road
Teaching & Learning Material
- Objects in the classroom, around the school and home
- Charts and models
- Drawing materials
Evaluation Guide
- Identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Sketch any two things identified in and around the classroom, school and home
- Demonstrate how to walk and cross a road safely
Week 2
Topic: Soil, Air and Water
Performance objectives
- Identify other parts of their surroundings – soil, air and water
- Demonstrate that air exists
- Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan
- Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloons
- List the common sources of water
- Other parts of the surrounding( e.g. soil, water, air)
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify soil, air and water as other components of the surrounding
- Demonstrates the existence of air using paper or hand fan
- Demonstrates that air occupies space by inflating balloons
- Takes pupils on a tour of nearby water sources
Student’s Activities
- Touch and feel soil in the playground
- Create air currents by blowing with the mouth or using hand or paper fan.
- Inflate balloons, polythene bags etc.
- Mention sources of water
- Recite a poem about water
Teaching & Learning Material
- Soil
- Newspaper
- Paper fan
- Hand fan
- Balloons
- Polythene bags
- Water
- Pictures of sources of water
Evaluation Guide
- Identify other parts of their surroundings
- Show that air exists
- Demonstrate that air occupies space
- Name five common sources of water
Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 –
Week 3
Topic: Color (identification)
Performance objectives
- Identify different colors
- Collect materials of different colors
- Observe road traffic light and identify their colors
- State the function of each road traffic light sign
- Identify road markings and their colors
- Colors of objects
- Road traffic light signs
- Road markings
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses the color chart to guide pupils to identify colors
- Gives pupils different materials to identify different colors
- Separates color using Lego materials with different colors for modelling
- Draws road traffic signs for pupils to observe
- Takes pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their location
- Supervises pupils in drawing and painting of road traffic signs
Student’s Activities
- Identify colors of objects provided by teacher
- Observe road traffic signs
- Match the colors of road traffic light with their functions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flowers
- Leaves
- Color
- Containers of various colors
- Lego sets/bricks
Evaluation Guide
- Identify five colors
- Identify various road traffic lights by their colors and functions
- Identify some road traffic markings and their colors
- Draw and color road traffic lights
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 4 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 5 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 6 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6
BST: Information Technology Curriculum for Primary School 1 – 6 (NERDC)