BST: Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 (NERDC)

5 Min Read
Basic Science Curriculum

Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1. Exploring your environment, Soil, Air and Water, Color (identification) – 


Week 1

Topic: Exploring your environment           

Performance objectives

  1. Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
  2. Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the school
  3. Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safely


  1. Things in and around the classroom, school and home
  2. Types of roads within and outside the school
  3. Walking along the road and crossing the road

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Takes pupils on a study walk around and outside the school
  2. Demonstrates walking safely along the road and crossing the road
  3. Encourages pupils to observe and list things in the home

Student’s Activities

  1. Pupils observe and list things in the school environment
  2. Draw some of the things around the school
  3. Demonstrate working safely along the road

Teaching & Learning Material       

  1. Objects in the classroom, around the school and home
  2. Charts and models
  3. Drawing materials

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
  2. Sketch any two things identified in and around the classroom, school and home
  3. Demonstrate how to walk and cross a road safely

Week 2

Topic: Soil, Air and Water

Performance objectives

  1. Identify other parts of their surroundings – soil, air and water
  2. Demonstrate that air exists
  3. Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan
  4. Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloons
  5. List the common sources of water


  1. Other parts of the surrounding( e.g. soil, water, air)

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to identify soil, air and water as other components of the surrounding
  2. Demonstrates the existence of air using paper or hand fan
  3. Demonstrates that air occupies space by inflating balloons
  4. Takes pupils on a tour of nearby water sources

Student’s Activities

  1. Touch and feel soil in the playground
  2. Create air currents by blowing with the mouth or using hand or paper fan.
  3.  Inflate balloons, polythene bags etc.
  4. Mention sources of water
  5. Recite a poem about water

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Soil
  2. Newspaper
  3. Paper fan
  4. Hand fan
  5. Balloons
  6. Polythene bags
  7. Water
  8. Pictures of sources of water

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify other parts of their surroundings
  2. Show that air exists
  3. Demonstrate that air occupies space
  4. Name five common sources of water

Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 

Week 3

Topic: Color (identification)   

Performance objectives

  1. Identify different colors
  2. Collect materials of different colors
  3. Observe road traffic light and identify their colors
  4. State the function of each road traffic light sign
  5. Identify road markings and their colors


  1. Colors of objects
  2. Road traffic light signs
  3. Road markings

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Uses the color chart to guide pupils to identify colors
  2. Gives pupils different materials to identify different colors
  3. Separates color using Lego materials with different colors for modelling
  4. Draws road traffic signs for pupils to observe
  5. Takes pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their location
  6. Supervises pupils in drawing and painting of road traffic signs

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify colors of objects provided by teacher
  2. Observe road traffic signs
  3. Match the colors of road traffic light with their functions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Flowers
  2. Leaves
  3. Color
  4. Containers of various colors
  5. Lego sets/bricks

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify five colors
  2. Identify various road traffic lights by their colors and functions
  3. Identify some road traffic markings and their colors
  4. Draw and color road traffic lights


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