BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 5 (NERDC)

13 Min Read
Basic Science Curriculum

Year 5 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 5. Environmental Changes, Waste Disposal, Environmental Quality 


Week 1

Topic: Environmental Changes

Performance objectives

  • Describe erosion and state the causes of erosion
  • List the effects or dangers of erosion
  • Identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for controlling erosion
  • Define pollution and list some water and air pollutants
  • List common sources of pollution
  • Describe the consequences of water pollution on the people and on the environment
  • Describe the roles of the communities, industries and oil exploration in air and water pollution
  • Suggest ways of reducing the risks of pollution


1          Erosion:

–           causes

–           Effects

–           Control

2          Air and Water Pollution:

–           Pollutants

–             Effects

–           Control

Teacher’s Activities        

Shows pupils charts, photographs of areas devastated by erosion

Guides pupils to:

–                explain the meaning of erosion

–              state the causes and dangers (effects) of erosion

–             suggest control measures

  • Arranges for pupils to visit and observe erosion sites in the locality
  • Guides pupils to carry out a project on controlling erosion
  • Shows pictures of emission of gases into the air; the release of effluent waste into the rivers, etc
  • Guides pupils’ discussion on the various ways the community, industries etc pollute water and air
  • Guides discussion on measures of controlling pollution

Student’s Activities

  • Look at photographs of erosion sites and discuss the causes, effect and control measures      
  • Visit erosion sites in their locality       
  • Participate in a project to control erosion at the site    
  • Look at pictures of polluted water and describe what they observe
  • Visit industrial areas to spillage observe ways industries pollute air and water

Teaching & Learning Material  

  • Photographs, Charts and Pictures on erosion
  • Hoe, Cutlasses
  •  Shovel and spade
  • Tree seedlings
  • Grass, etc
  • Photographs and charts showing polluted water, industries letting, and fumes into the air
  • Posters/ photographs showing areas affected by oil spillage

Evaluation Guide

  • Describe erosion
  • State three cause of erosion
  • State three effect of erosion
  • State three ways controlling erosion
  • Describe pollution
  • List five air and water pollutants
  • Identify three so of air and water pollution respect
  • State three consequences of air and water pollution on people and the environment
  • Suggest three water controlling measures
  • The risks of air a water pollution

Week 2

Topic: Waste and Waste Disposal

Performance objectives

  • Explain what constitute waste
  • Identify different types of waste
  • Mention methods of disposal of waste
  • Suggest different ways of recycling waste and the advantages of recycling waste


Types of waste:          

–           refuse

–           Sewage etc

Waste Disposal

 Re-using waste (Recycling)                

Teacher’s Activities        

  • Leads discussion on Proper disposal of wastes
  • Displays pictures and diagrams of ways of disposing waste
  • Guides pupils to make compost pit, as a way of disposing or recycling waste
  • Arranges for a guest to talk on recycling waste
  •  Arranges visit to land fill area where wastes are recycled

Student’s Activities

  • Listen, ask questions and discuss waste and how to recycle waste
  • Prepare and develop a compost pit
  • Prepare posters that teach proper disposal of household waste
  • Discuss the dangers of not disposing waste properly

Teaching & Learning Material  

Picture/charts of waste disposal van, buckets, wheel barrows, drums, shovel, spade, etc

Waste dumps

–           Bottles

–             Paper

–            sticks

–            Empty cans

–               Water

–            Wood ash

–              Leaf litters etc

Evaluation Guide

  • Describe waste
  • Name two proper disposal of waste
  • Mention three dangers of improper waste disposal
  • Identify two me of recycling waste

Week 3

Topic: Environmental Quality

Performance objectives

  • State the advantages of a healthy environment           
  • State the disadvantages of degrading the environment
  • Identify ways of maintaining healthy and beautiful school environment
  • List materials for maintaining healthy environment


  • Environmental quality
  • Advantages of a healthy environment
  • Disadvantages of degrading the environment
  • Ways of maintaining a healthy environment
  • The materials for maintaining a healthy environment

Teacher’s Activities        

  • Leads class discussion on environmental quality
  • Helps pupils plan, clean and beautify their school environment

Student’s Activities

  • Participate in class discussion
  • Plant flowers to beautify the school surrounding
  • Sweep and clean their school surrounding everyday

Teaching & Learning Material  

Potted plants


–           Brooms

–           rakes

–           hoes

–           Cutlasses

–           Machetes

–           Baskets

Pictures of an attractive surrounding

Evaluation Guide

  • State four advantage of a healthy environment
  • Mention three disadvantages of degrading our surrounding
  • State two ways of beautifying the environment
  • List four material maintaining environment

Year 5 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 5 



Week 1

Topic: The Human Body (The Skeleton)

Performance objectives

  • Identify the major bones in the body
  • Identify the major joints in the body
  • State the functions of bones and joint


Types of bones:

–           Long bones (femur, humerus)

–           Vertebrae (cervical, thoracic)

–           Phalanges (toes)

Types of joints:

–           Ball and socket, (shoulder)

–           Hinge joint (elbow, knee)

Functions of bones and joints

Teacher’s Activities        

Using charts or model of human skeleton:

–           describes the major bones

–           describes the major joints

  • Guides pupils to state the functions of bones and joints

Student’s Activities

  • Observe the chart on skeletal system or the model of human skeleton
  • Name the major bones in the body
  • Observe and describe what bones are like e.g. hard, strong
  • State the major joints in the body
  • State the functions of bones and joints in the human body

Teaching & Learning Material  

  • Chart or model of human skeleton showing types of bones and joints
  • X-ray film

Evaluation Guide

Name and describe major bones of the human body

Describe major joints

State two functions each of bones and joints

Week 2

Topic: Reproduction in Plants

Performance objectives

  1. Identify parts of a flower
  2. Explain the meaning of            pollination
  3. Identify agents and types of pollination
  4. Identify parts of a flower that are concerned with pollination and fertilization
  5. Describe stages of development from flower to fruit
  6. Distinguish between pollination and fertilization


  1. Parts of a flower Pollination
    • Types
    • Process
    • Agents Fertilization
  2. Stages of development from flower to fruits

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides flowers e.g. hibiscus to guide the pupils to identify parts of a flower
  2. Draws a flower and labels its parts
  3. Guides the pupils to identify parts of a flower that produce fruit
  4. Guides discussion on pollination
  5. Guides discussion on the development of fruits

Student’s Activities

  1. Bring flowers to the class
  2. Identify and name parts of a flower
  3. Draw a flower and label its parts
  4. Identify parts of a flower that produce fruit
  5. Participate in the discussion on pollination/ fertilization
  6. Identify stages of development from flower to fruit

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Life flowers e.g. hibiscus, cowpea flower
  2. Chart or diagram of a flower, agents of pollination, development from flower to fruit
  3. Drawing book
  4. Pencil

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name and identify parts of a flower
  2. List the types of pollination
  3. List the agents of pollination
  4. List the changes that occur at different stages of development from flower to fruit
  5. Distinguish between pollination and fertilization in flowering plant
  6. Draw and label a given flower

Week 3

Topic: Rock

Performance objectives

  1. Identify and classify rocks according to color, hardness, texture, etc
  2. List some important uses of rocks such as construction, beautification, etc
  3. Name some major landmark rocks in Nigeria


  1. Types of Rocks
    • Igneous
    • Metamorphous
    • Sedimentary
  2. Uses of Rocks
  3. Major landmark rocks in Nigeria e.g.
    • Zuma rock in Madalla
    • Shere rock in Jos
    • Olumo rock in Abeokuta
    • Kufena rock in Zaria

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to:
    • classify rocks
    • state the major uses of rocks
  2. Gives examples of major landmark e.g. Rocks in Nigeria

Student’s Activities

  1. Collect, observe and classify rocks on the basis of color, shape hardness etc
  2. State some important uses of rocks
  3. Read about major land mark rocks in Nigeria

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Different samples of rocks     
  2. Charts showing types of rocks and their uses

Evaluation Guide

  1. Classify rocks based on their shape, color, texture etc
  2. Name three major landmark rocks in Nigeria
  3. List 3 importance of rocks

Week 4

Topic: Acids and Bases

Performance objectives

  1. Give examples of acids and bases
  2. List some physical properties of acids and bases
  3. State types of acids and bases
  4. List some uses of acids and bases
  5. Distinguish between acids and bases
  6. Name local materials used in making soap
  7. Identify the active ingredients in the local material used in making soap
  8. Make soap from local materials
  9. State the uses of soap


  1. Acid and Base: meaning and examples
  2. Some physical properties of acids and base
  3. Types of acid and bases
  4. Uses of acids and bases
  5. Soap making
  6. Uses of soap
  7. Gives names of acids and bases

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides materials needed for the lesson (Lemon, wood ash, water, red and blue litmus paper
  2. Demonstrates physical properties of acids and bases by:
    • Using blue litmus paper on lemon which will turn it red.
    • using red litmus paper on mixture of wood ash in water which will turn it blue
  3. Guides the pupils to taste lemon and dissolve ash in water and report their observation
  4. Initiates discussion on uses of acids and bases to include soap making
  5. Take safety precautions

Student’s Activities

  1. Carry out teacher directed activities on:
    • Lemon (acid)
    • Mixture of wood ash and water (base)
    • Use of red and blue litmus papers.
    • Use of acids and bases especially in soap making
  2. Use palm oil and dissolved wood ash to make soap
  3. Identify active ingredients used in making soap from palm oil and wood ash
  4. State the uses of soap

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Lemon
  2. Wood ash
  3. Water
  4. Blue and red litmus papers
  5. Glass or plastic container
  6. Palm oil
  7. Stove
  8. Cans and containers
  9. Spatula or wooden spoon
  10. Dirty Handkerchief

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of acid and base
  2. Give three examples each of acids and bases
  3. State physical properties of acids and bases
  4. Distinguish between acids and bases using litmus papers etc
  5. State two types each of acids and bases
  6. Name local materials used in making soap
  7. Identify acids and bases as ingredients used in making soap
  8. Make soap using local materials
  9. State 3 uses of soap

Year 5 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 5 


BST: Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 (NERDC)

BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2 (NERDC)

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