BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3 (NERDC)

11 Min Read
Basic Science Curriculum

Year 3 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3. Measurement of length and mass, time, Living and non living things – 


Week 1

Topic: Measurement of length and mass.

Performance objectives

  1. Name the instruments for measuring length
  2. Measure and record the length, breadth, and height of objects
  3. State the metric units for measuring length
  4. Name the instrument for measuring mass
  5. Compare masses of objects using the balance provided
  6. State the metric units of mass


  1. Measuring length:
    • Instruments,
    • Units of length
  2. Measuring mass:
    • Instruments,
    • Units of Measuring mass

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Uses a chart showing metric rule and tape rule to teach pupils the metric units of length (mm, cm)
  2. Shows pupils the correct ways of measuring length, breadth and height of objects including their heights
  3. Guides the pupils to use of lever arm balance and bathroom scale
  4. Guides pupils to record their weights
  5. Uses the chart to teach pupils the metric units of mass
  6. Initiates class discussion on standard instruments for measuring mass
  7. Guides pupils to estimate masses of objects in the classroom

Student’s Activities

  1. Read and learn the metric unit of length
  2. Measure the length, breadth and height of tables, desks, books in the classroom
  3. Working in pairs, measure their heights
  4. Record the measurements taken
  5. Working in pairs, pupils record their weights
  6. Use balance to estimate the masses of objects in the classroom

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Tape rule
  2. Meter rule
  3. Objects in the classroom
  4. The pupils
  5. A chart on standard unit of length
  6. A chart on standard unit of mass
  7. Lever arm balance
  8. Eraser
  9. Record book
  10. Pencil
  11. Weighing scale (Bathroom scale)
  12. Rope
  13. Sticks

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name two instruments for measuring length
  2. State the metric units of length
  3. Measure correctly the length, breadth and height of objects in the classroom
  4. Record measurements correctly including units
  5. Name two instruments for measuring mass
  6. State the metric units of mass
  7. Use lever-arm balance to estimate the masses of objects in the classroom and record their findings

Week 2

Topic: Measurement of Time

Performance objectives

  1. Name the instrument for measuring time
  2. Perform specified activities within specified time frames
  3. State metric unit of time


  1. Measuring time:
    • Instruments for measuring time,
    • Units of measuring time

Teacher’s Activities

1          Uses chart to teach pupils how to read time

2          Initiates class discussion on how to accomplish certain tasks within specified time frame

Student’s Activities

  1. Read time correctly
  2. Read a paragraph of any story from their textbook and recap the story within a set time frame
  3. Read and learn the metric unit of time

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. A chart showing faces of clock with different readings in second, minute, hour     
  2. Wall clock
  3. Stop clock      

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name the instruments for measuring time
  2. State the metric unit of time
  3. Mention the uses of time

Week 3

Topic: soil  

Performance objectives

  1. Mention the importance of soil to plants
  2. Mention the importance of soil to animals


  1. Importance of soil:
    • Medium for plant growth
    • Sources of nutrients (food) and air
  2. Importance of soil to animals:
    • Surface for human activities (farming, building, pottery making)

Teacher’s Activities           

  1. Guides pupils to mention the importance of soil to plants
  2. Guides pupils to mention the importance of soil to animals
  3. Explains the environmental importance of soil (checking erosions, beautifies the environment e.g. sports field, roads etc.)

Student’s Activities

  1. Mention the importance of soil to plants
  2. Identify things in their surroundings that is made from soil
  3. Visit potters workshop and observe articles made from soil to plants
  4. Visit the school garden

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. School garden
  2. Chart showing uses of soil (in roads, gardens, fields, pottery)

Evaluation Guide

  1. State two uses of soil to plants
  2. State two uses of soil to animals

Week 4

Topic: Air in motion

Performance objectives

            1          State the meaning of wind

            2          Describe their feelings when wind blows against their bodies

            3          Demonstrate that air can do work

            4          Explain the harmful effects of air


  1. Wind:
    • Meaning
    • Effect
    • Importance
  2. Harmful effects of air

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Initiates and guides class discussion on the meaning of wind
  2. Makes reference to pupils experiences on windy days
  3. Guides pupils to make and fly paper or polythene kites
  4. Presents inflated balloons to lift objects
  5. Explains to pupils that wind propels the balloons, kites and windmill
  6. Presents the pictures of someone
    • Sneezing,
    • Coughing (without covering the mouth with his hand)
    • Smoking
  7. Initiates and guide class discussion on the role of air in transferring harmful substances into the body

Student’s Activities

  1. Use paper or hand fan to show air in motion
  2. Observe and describe the effect of wind on:
    • Their bodies
    • Light objects like feathers, pieces of paper
  3. Make and fly paper kites
  4. Use inflated balloons to lift things
  5. Discuss the role of air in smoking coughing and sneezing

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Pieces of paper
  2. Feathers
  3. Picture/chart showing the effect of wind
  4. Balloons
  5. Card board paper
  6. Pair of scissors
  7. Gum
  8. Sticks
  9. Thread
  10. Pictured chart of air

Evaluation Guide

  1. Explain the meaning of wind
  2. Describe their feelings when wind blows against their bodies
  3. Demonstrate how air does work e.g. move or propel objects
  4. List two harmful substances that can be taken into the body through the air

NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3. Measurement of length – 

Week 5

Topic:          Quality and Uses of Water

Performance objectives

  1. List the qualities of good water
  2. Identify and name some substances that make water unfit for drinking
  3. State the dangers of drinking bad water
  4. State reasons for packaging water
  5. Identify types of packaged water
  6. List features of safe packaged water
  7. List the common uses of water


  1. Water quality
  2. Substances that contaminate water (i.e. make water unfit for drinking)
  3. Dangers of drinking bad water
  4. Common uses of water
  5. Purifying water
  6. Packaged water:
    • Reasons for packaging water
    • Types of packaged water
    • Features of safe packaged water

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Provides pupils with samples of water of different qualities (clean, dirty, muddy)
  2. Uses simple activities to guide pupils to identify water that is unfit for drinking (check color, odor)
  3. Shows samples of contaminated water
  4. Guides class discussion on the dangers of drinking bad/ contaminated water
  5. Displays samples of packaged water and a glass of water in class, guides pupils to suggest reasons for packaging, identify types of packaged water, and features that make them safe
  6. Initiates and guides class discussions on the common uses of water

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe and describe samples of contaminated water
  2. Collect and observe substances that contaminate water e.g. sand, urine and dust
  3. Observe the displayed set of water samples
  4. Participate in class discussions

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Samples of water:
    • Clean water
    • Muddy water
    • Rain water
    • Tap water
    • Contaminated water
    • Bottled water
    • Sachet water
    • Glass of water
  2. Sand
  3. Urine
  4. Dust
  5. Charts showing various ways water can be contaminated

Evaluation Guide

  1. Distinguish between good and bad water (color, odor)
  2. Mention three substances that make water unfit for drinking
  3. State 2 reasons for packaging water
  4. List 2 types of packaged water
  5. Mention three features of safe packaged water
  6. List five effects of drinking bad water
  7. List five uses of water

NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 3. Measurement of length – 


Week 1

Topic:             Plants

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to give reasons why plants are living things


  1. Plants as living things

Teacher’s Activities

1          Takes pupils on a nature walk to observe plants (explains characteristics which the observed plants display on the spot.)

2          Guides pupils to identify plants as living things. (Explain growth, irritability, reproduction as it affects plants)

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe plants in their  localities
  2. Identify plants as living things

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Specimen of plants in the locality

Evaluation Guide

  1. Pupils to state three reasons why plants are living things

Week 2

Topic: animals 

Performance objectives

  1. Pupils should be able to give reasons why animals are living things


  1. Observing features of animals

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Takes pupils on a nature walk to observe animals (explains characteristics which the observed animals display on the spot.)
  2. Guides pupils to identify animals as living things. (explain growth, movement, feeding, irritability, excretion, reproduction as it affects animals)

Student’s Activities

  1. Observe animals in their localities
  2. Identify animals as living things        

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Specimen of animals in the locality

Evaluation Guide

  1. State five reasons why animals are living things
  2. Compare plants and animals as living things


BST: Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 (NERDC)

BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2 (NERDC)

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