BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2 (NERDC)

13 Min Read
Basic Science Curriculum

Year 2 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2. Our environment, the senses, Soil types, Air, Water, Color, Animal – 


Week 1

Topic:             THE SENSES

Performance objectives

  1. Observe and name colors, shapes and sizes of common object
  2. Identify various sounds made by objects, animals and persons
  3. Detect various odors of fruits, food, shoes, dirty socks; etc.
  4. Detect taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter food items
  5. Identify objects by touching and feeling
  6. Describe how correct ways of using the road by each of the users


  1. Seeing: with eyes, Colors, shapes and sizes of objects in classroom, school and home
  2. Hearing: with ears, Listening to sounds of objects, animals, persons, and imitating sounds
  3. Smelling: with nose. Detecting various odors
  4. Taste: with tongue. Detecting various food items that are sweet, sour, salty and bitter
  5. Touching: with fingers. Detecting various objects by touch, feeling its shape, texture, pressure and temperature
  6. Road users’ e. g children, cars, Bicycles, animals, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Provides and helps pupils to Identify:
    1. Different colors
    1. Different shapes
    1. Different sizes
  2. Aides pupils to use colored pencils and identify color
  3. Makes pupils to listen to and identify various sounds
  4. Guides pupils to recognize something (fruits, food, etc.) with characteristic smell
  5. Assists to detect distinctive taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes
  6. Provides sweet, sour, salty and bitter items to pupils
  7. Provides items of different textures, shapes, temperature under pressure
  8. Assist pupils to identify road users and how to use roads correctly by the user

Student’s Activities

  1. Work with colored pencils and crayons
  2. Collect and identify objects of different shapes and sizes
  3. Identify various sounds
  4. Produce different sounds from their mouth and throat
  5. Describe pleasant and unpleasant smell
  6. Taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter item
  7. Feel or touch their cheeks and heads, tissue paper, touch different types of paper/cardboards
  8. Touch cold and warm objects or water
  9. Identify road users and describe correct ways of using the roads

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Colored pencils and crayon
  2. Wooden blocks of different sizes, shapes and colors
  3. Charts and models
  4. School bell, flute, other wind instrument
  5. Recorded sounds of birds, frog, cat, etc.
  6. Fruits-banana, oranges, mangoes
  7. Flower, shoes, dirty socks, etc.
  8. Sugar, honey, salt, bitter leaf/kola
  9. Tissue paper
  10. Rough and smooth cardboard
  11. Cold/hot, warm water
  12. Video and Charts on road usage
  13. Pictures of different types of roads

Evaluation Guide

  1. Identify and match objects based on colors, shape, and size
  2. Identify and describe sounds made by different objects, animals and persons
  3. Associate odors with specific pleasant and unpleasant smell
  4. State the taste of different substances
  5. Distinguish between rough and coarse objects, cold and hot, etc.
  6. Name three road users
  7. Describe various ways of using the road

Week 2

Topic: Soil Types

Performance objectives

1          Mention different types of soil

2          Observe and describe the physical properties of soil types


1          Types of soil

–           Clay

–           Sandy

–           Loamy

2          Properties of soil types

Teacher’s Activities        

1          Identifies suitable sites in the school compound from where different soil types can be collected

2          Takes pupils to the identified sites in the school to collect soil samples

3          Guides pupils to name the different soil types

4          Guides pupils to observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples

Student’s Activities

1          Collect soil samples in the school or home environment

2          Observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples

3          Place some soil samples in a container, add water and stir

4          Mold with wet sand and clay

5          Compare clay soil and sandy soil

Teaching & Learning Material  

1          Samples of garden soil (clay, loamy and sandy soils)

2          Hand lens

3          Sieve

4          Filter paper

5          Containers

6          Funnel

7          Water

8          Hoe or shovel

Evaluation Guide

1          Identify and name soil types as: loamy, clay and sandy soil

2          Describe the physical properties of the soil types

Year 2 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2 – 

Week 3

Topic:  Air  

Performance objectives

            1          Observe and identify things that float in air

            2          Make things float in air


  1. Floating in the air
  2. Things that float in air (paper kites, blown balloons, etc.)

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to name things that float in air
  2. Guides pupils to make paper kites
  3. Score the kites that pupils make

Student’s Activities

  1. Throw things into the air and identify those that float, and those that do not
  2. Make and fly paper kites

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Balloons
  2. Old newspapers
  3. Thread
  4. Gum
  5. Sticks
  6. Strings
  7. Stones
  8. Pencils

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name five things that float in air
  2. Make and fly paper kites

Week 4

Topic: Water

Performance objectives

1          Identify things that float or sink in water

2          Demonstrate how to make objects float or sink in water


  1. Floating and sinking in water

Teacher’s Activities        

1          Guides pupils to identify Objects that:

–           Float in water

–           Sink in water

2          Demonstrates to pupils some ways of making objects:

–           Float in water e.g. stone placed on inflated balloon, human being swimming with the aid of a life jacket or calabash,

–           Sinking in water (e.g. tying a stone to a feather, cork, etc.

3          Initiates and guides class discussion on other ways of making things float or sink in water.

Student’s Activities

1          Name things that float in water

2          Observe the demonstrations

3          Make things to float in water

4          Make things to sink in water

Teaching & Learning Material  

1          Balloons

2          Dry wood

3          Meter rule

4          Piece of iron 5 Stone

6          Thread

7          Feathers

8          Cork

9          Picture of people in swimming pools using life jackets (inflated wears) or in river staying on top of calabashes

Evaluation Guide

1          Name three things each that float or sink in water

2          Make things to float or sink in water

Week 5

Topic:          Colors

Performance objectives

1          Pupils should be able to use colors to identify and beautify objects


  1. Use of colors  

Teacher’s Activities        

1          Guides pupils to identify objects through colors (living & non-living things)

2          Guides pupils to discuss uses of colors.

Student’s Activities

  1. Color objects

Teaching & Learning Material  

            1          Papers

            2          Crayons          

            3          Colored pens

            4          Color charts

            5          Lego set/beads

            6          Dyes

Evaluation Guide

  1. Color two types of objects
  2. Use Lego of different colors to construct common objects

Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2. Our environment – 


Week 1

Topic: Plants

Performance objectives

            1          Identify and name some common plants in the school compound

            2          Trace the leaves of some of the plants on Plastering or clay, where available

            3          Prepare a press of common plants

            4          Observe and identify features of common plants in their school compound

            5          Group plants according to their common features

            6          Group plants according to their uses

            7          Describe common uses of plants


  1. Plants in the school compound
  2. Features of plants:
    1. Shape
    1. Size
    1. Color
    1. Texture
  3. Common uses of plants in the locality (for food, beautification, building, furniture, shade, medicines

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Identifies suitable place in the surrounding for pupils to visit
  2. Guides pupils to observe and collect common plants
  3. Guides pupils to prepare a plant for preservation
  4. Initiate class discussions which would enable pupils to:
    • Identify features of the plants
    • Group the plants based on their features
  5. Through class discussion:
    • Guides pupils to state the uses of plants
    • Groups plants according to their uses

Student’s Activities

  1. Participate in site visits
  2. Observe and collect some common plants
  3. Print some plant parts e.g. leaves
  4. Prepare a print-press of common plants
  5. Identify features of plants
  6. Group plants according to their features
  7. Group plants according to their uses

Teaching & Learning Material

  1. Specimen of local plants
  2. Drawing books
  3. Pencils
  4. Crayons
  5. Cello-tapes
  6. Plastering
  7. Clay
  8. Workbooks

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name five common plants in the school
  2. Trace the leaves of some plants
  3. Prepare and display print press
  4. Mention the features of the plants in their locality
  5. State the uses of plants
  6. Group plants according to their common features
  7. Group plants according to their uses

Week 2

Topic:          Animals

Performance objectives

            1          Identify common animals in the school compound

            2          Collect and preserve some animals in the school compound

            3          Observe and name the features of common animals in the school compound

            4          Use the observable features to group the animals found in the school compound.

            5          Observe and describe the behavior of animals

            6          Demonstrate correct way of:

                        – Crossing the road;

                        – Walking along the road leading


  1. Animals in the school compound (flies, butterflies, earthworms etc.
  2. Features of the animals found in the school compound
  3. Behavior of animals
  4. Animals and road safety

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Uses pictures and charts to guide pupils to identify common animals in the school compound
  2. Demonstrates the correct method of collecting animals for preservation
  3. Guides pupils to:
    • Identify the features of the animals,
    • Group animals using observable features
  4. Initiates and guides class discussion on the behavior of animals e.g. movement, feeding etc.
  5. Demonstrate crossing and walking along the road

Student’s Activities

  1. Identify animals in their school compound
  2. Collects harmless animals in the school compound
  3. Observe, group and describe features of preserved animals
  4. Make drawings of some animals
  5. Participate in class discussion on animals
  6. Mimic the sound of some animals

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. Charts and pictures of animals
  2. Specimen of animals
  3. Insect nets/baskets
  4. Specimen bottles and jars
  5. Preservative (e.g. formalin)
  6. Workbook
  7. Live animal
  8. Petri dishes
  9. Lids of cans
  10. Plastic plates

Evaluation Guide

  1. Name some common animals in the school compound
  2. Collect and display common animals in the school compound
  3. Describe the features of animals
  4. Group animals based on observed features
  5. Describe the behavior of animals
  6. Describe correct ways of:
    • Walking along the road,
    • Crossing the road


BST: Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 (NERDC)

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