Level 1 – 3 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Lower Primary. Our environment, Soil, Air and Water, Color (identification) – Schemeofwork.com
Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 1
Week 1
Topic: Exploring your environment
Performance objectives
- Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the school
- Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safely
- Things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Types of roads within and outside the school
- Walking along the road and crossing the road
Teacher’s Activities
- Takes pupils on a study walk around and outside the school
- Demonstrates walking safely along the road and crossing the road
- Encourages pupils to observe and list things in the home
Student’s Activities
- Pupils observe and list things in the school environment
- Draw some of the things around the school
- Demonstrate working safely along the road
Teaching & Learning Material
- Objects in the classroom, around the school and home
- Charts and models
- Drawing materials
Evaluation Guide
- Identify things in and around the classroom, school and home
- Sketch any two things identified in and around the classroom, school and home
- Demonstrate how to walk and cross a road safely
Week 2
Topic: Soil, Air and Water
Performance objectives
- Identify other parts of their surroundings – soil, air and water
- Demonstrate that air exists
- Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan
- Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloons
- List the common sources of water
- Other parts of the surrounding( e.g. soil, water, air)
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to identify soil, air and water as other components of the surrounding
- Demonstrates the existence of air using paper or hand fan
- Demonstrates that air occupies space by inflating balloons
- Takes pupils on a tour of nearby water sources
Student’s Activities
- Touch and feel soil in the playground
- Create air currents by blowing with the mouth or using hand or paper fan.
- Inflate balloons, polythene bags etc.
- Mention sources of water
- Recite a poem about water
Teaching & Learning Material
- Soil
- Newspaper
- Paper fan
- Hand fan
- Balloons
- Polythene bags
- Water
- Pictures of sources of water
Evaluation Guide
- Identify other parts of their surroundings
- Show that air exists
- Demonstrate that air occupies space
- Name five common sources of water
Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 – Schemeofwork.com
Week 3
Topic: Color (identification)
Performance objectives
- Identify different colors
- Collect materials of different colors
- Observe road traffic light and identify their colors
- State the function of each road traffic light sign
- Identify road markings and their colors
- Colors of objects
- Road traffic light signs
- Road markings
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses the color chart to guide pupils to identify colors
- Gives pupils different materials to identify different colors
- Separates color using Lego materials with different colors for modelling
- Draws road traffic signs for pupils to observe
- Takes pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their location
- Supervises pupils in drawing and painting of road traffic signs
Student’s Activities
- Identify colors of objects provided by teacher
- Observe road traffic signs
- Match the colors of road traffic light with their functions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Flowers
- Leaves
- Color
- Containers of various colors
- Lego sets/bricks
Evaluation Guide
- Identify five colors
- Identify various road traffic lights by their colors and functions
- Identify some road traffic markings and their colors
- Draw and color road traffic lights
Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2
Week 1
Performance objectives
- Observe and name colors, shapes and sizes of common object
- Identify various sounds made by objects, animals and persons
- Detect various odors of fruits, food, shoes, dirty socks; etc.
- Detect taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter food items
- Identify objects by touching and feeling
- Describe how correct ways of using the road by each of the users
- Seeing: with eyes, Colors, shapes and sizes of objects in classroom, school and home
- Hearing: with ears, Listening to sounds of objects, animals, persons, and imitating sounds
- Smelling: with nose. Detecting various odors
- Taste: with tongue. Detecting various food items that are sweet, sour, salty and bitter
- Touching: with fingers. Detecting various objects by touch, feeling its shape, texture, pressure and temperature
- Road users’ e. g children, cars, Bicycles, animals, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides and helps pupils to Identify:
- Different colors
- Different shapes
- Different sizes
- Aides pupils to use colored pencils and identify color
- Makes pupils to listen to and identify various sounds
- Guides pupils to recognize something (fruits, food, etc.) with characteristic smell
- Assists to detect distinctive taste of sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes
- Provides sweet, sour, salty and bitter items to pupils
- Provides items of different textures, shapes, temperature under pressure
- Assist pupils to identify road users and how to use roads correctly by the user
Student’s Activities
- Work with colored pencils and crayons
- Collect and identify objects of different shapes and sizes
- Identify various sounds
- Produce different sounds from their mouth and throat
- Describe pleasant and unpleasant smell
- Taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter item
- Feel or touch their cheeks and heads, tissue paper, touch different types of paper/cardboards
- Touch cold and warm objects or water
- Identify road users and describe correct ways of using the roads
Teaching & Learning Material
- Colored pencils and crayon
- Wooden blocks of different sizes, shapes and colors
- Charts and models
- School bell, flute, other wind instrument
- Recorded sounds of birds, frog, cat, etc.
- Fruits-banana, oranges, mangoes
- Flower, shoes, dirty socks, etc.
- Sugar, honey, salt, bitter leaf/kola
- Tissue paper
- Rough and smooth cardboard
- Cold/hot, warm water
- Video and Charts on road usage
- Pictures of different types of roads
Evaluation Guide
- Identify and match objects based on colors, shape, and size
- Identify and describe sounds made by different objects, animals and persons
- Associate odors with specific pleasant and unpleasant smell
- State the taste of different substances
- Distinguish between rough and coarse objects, cold and hot, etc.
- Name three road users
- Describe various ways of using the road
Week 2
Topic: Soil Types
Performance objectives
1 Mention different types of soil
2 Observe and describe the physical properties of soil types
1 Types of soil
– Clay
– Sandy
– Loamy
2 Properties of soil types
Teacher’s Activities
1 Identifies suitable sites in the school compound from where different soil types can be collected
2 Takes pupils to the identified sites in the school to collect soil samples
3 Guides pupils to name the different soil types
4 Guides pupils to observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples
Student’s Activities
1 Collect soil samples in the school or home environment
2 Observe and describe the color, texture and particles size of the soil samples
3 Place some soil samples in a container, add water and stir
4 Mold with wet sand and clay
5 Compare clay soil and sandy soil
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Samples of garden soil (clay, loamy and sandy soils)
2 Hand lens
3 Sieve
4 Filter paper
5 Containers
6 Funnel
7 Water
8 Hoe or shovel
Evaluation Guide
1 Identify and name soil types as: loamy, clay and sandy soil
2 Describe the physical properties of the soil types
Week 3
Topic: Air
Performance objectives
1 Observe and identify things that float in air
2 Make things float in air
- Floating in the air
- Things that float in air (paper kites, blown balloons, etc.)
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to name things that float in air
- Guides pupils to make paper kites
- Score the kites that pupils make
Student’s Activities
- Throw things into the air and identify those that float, and those that do not
- Make and fly paper kites
Teaching & Learning Material
- Balloons
- Old newspapers
- Thread
- Gum
- Sticks
- Strings
- Stones
- Pencils
Evaluation Guide
- Name five things that float in air
- Make and fly paper kites
Week 4
Topic: Water
Performance objectives
1 Identify things that float or sink in water
2 Demonstrate how to make objects float or sink in water
- Floating and sinking in water
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to identify Objects that:
– Float in water
– Sink in water
2 Demonstrates to pupils some ways of making objects:
– Float in water e.g. stone placed on inflated balloon, human being swimming with the aid of a life jacket or calabash,
– Sinking in water (e.g. tying a stone to a feather, cork, etc.
3 Initiates and guides class discussion on other ways of making things float or sink in water.
Student’s Activities
1 Name things that float in water
2 Observe the demonstrations
3 Make things to float in water
4 Make things to sink in water
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Balloons
2 Dry wood
3 Meter rule
4 Piece of iron 5 Stone
6 Thread
7 Feathers
8 Cork
9 Picture of people in swimming pools using life jackets (inflated wears) or in river staying on top of calabashes
Evaluation Guide
1 Name three things each that float or sink in water
2 Make things to float or sink in water
Week 5
Topic: Colors
Performance objectives
1 Pupils should be able to use colors to identify and beautify objects
- Use of colors
Teacher’s Activities
1 Guides pupils to identify objects through colors (living & non-living things)
2 Guides pupils to discuss uses of colors.
Student’s Activities
- Color objects
Teaching & Learning Material
1 Papers
2 Crayons
3 Colored pens
4 Color charts
5 Lego set/beads
6 Dyes
Evaluation Guide
- Color two types of objects
- Use Lego of different colors to construct common objects
Year 1 NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2. Our environment – Schemeofwork.com
Week 1
Topic: Plants
Performance objectives
1 Identify and name some common plants in the school compound
2 Trace the leaves of some of the plants on Plastering or clay, where available
3 Prepare a press of common plants
4 Observe and identify features of common plants in their school compound
5 Group plants according to their common features
6 Group plants according to their uses
7 Describe common uses of plants
- Plants in the school compound
- Features of plants:
- Shape
- Size
- Color
- Texture
- Common uses of plants in the locality (for food, beautification, building, furniture, shade, medicines
Teacher’s Activities
- Identifies suitable place in the surrounding for pupils to visit
- Guides pupils to observe and collect common plants
- Guides pupils to prepare a plant for preservation
- Initiate class discussions which would enable pupils to:
- Identify features of the plants
- Group the plants based on their features
- Through class discussion:
- Guides pupils to state the uses of plants
- Groups plants according to their uses
Student’s Activities
- Participate in site visits
- Observe and collect some common plants
- Print some plant parts e.g. leaves
- Prepare a print-press of common plants
- Identify features of plants
- Group plants according to their features
- Group plants according to their uses
Teaching & Learning Material
- Specimen of local plants
- Drawing books
- Pencils
- Crayons
- Cello-tapes
- Plastering
- Clay
- Workbooks
Evaluation Guide
- Name five common plants in the school
- Trace the leaves of some plants
- Prepare and display print press
- Mention the features of the plants in their locality
- State the uses of plants
- Group plants according to their common features
- Group plants according to their uses
Week 2
Topic: Animals
Performance objectives
1 Identify common animals in the school compound
2 Collect and preserve some animals in the school compound
3 Observe and name the features of common animals in the school compound
4 Use the observable features to group the animals found in the school compound.
5 Observe and describe the behavior of animals
6 Demonstrate correct way of:
– Crossing the road;
– Walking along the road leading
- Animals in the school compound (flies, butterflies, earthworms etc.
- Features of the animals found in the school compound
- Behavior of animals
- Animals and road safety
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses pictures and charts to guide pupils to identify common animals in the school compound
- Demonstrates the correct method of collecting animals for preservation
- Guides pupils to:
- Identify the features of the animals,
- Group animals using observable features
- Initiates and guides class discussion on the behavior of animals e.g. movement, feeding etc.
- Demonstrate crossing and walking along the road
Student’s Activities
- Identify animals in their school compound
- Collects harmless animals in the school compound
- Observe, group and describe features of preserved animals
- Make drawings of some animals
- Participate in class discussion on animals
- Mimic the sound of some animals
Teaching & Learning Material
- Charts and pictures of animals
- Specimen of animals
- Insect nets/baskets
- Specimen bottles and jars
- Preservative (e.g. formalin)
- Workbook
- Live animal
- Petri dishes
- Lids of cans
- Plastic plates
Evaluation Guide
- Name some common animals in the school compound
- Collect and display common animals in the school compound
- Describe the features of animals
- Group animals based on observed features
- Describe the behavior of animals
- Describe correct ways of:
- Walking along the road,
- Crossing the road
Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3
Week 1
Topic: Measurement of length and mass.
Performance objectives
- Name the instruments for measuring length
- Measure and record the length, breadth, and height of objects
- State the metric units for measuring length
- Name the instrument for measuring mass
- Compare masses of objects using the balance provided
- State the metric units of mass
- Measuring length:
- Instruments,
- Units of length
- Measuring mass:
- Instruments,
- Units of Measuring mass
Teacher’s Activities
- Uses a chart showing metric rule and tape rule to teach pupils the metric units of length (mm, cm)
- Shows pupils the correct ways of measuring length, breadth and height of objects including their heights
- Guides the pupils to use of lever arm balance and bathroom scale
- Guides pupils to record their weights
- Uses the chart to teach pupils the metric units of mass
- Initiates class discussion on standard instruments for measuring mass
- Guides pupils to estimate masses of objects in the classroom
Student’s Activities
- Read and learn the metric unit of length
- Measure the length, breadth and height of tables, desks, books in the classroom
- Working in pairs, measure their heights
- Record the measurements taken
- Working in pairs, pupils record their weights
- Use balance to estimate the masses of objects in the classroom
Teaching & Learning Material
- Tape rule
- Meter rule
- Objects in the classroom
- The pupils
- A chart on standard unit of length
- A chart on standard unit of mass
- Lever arm balance
- Eraser
- Record book
- Pencil
- Weighing scale (Bathroom scale)
- Rope
- Sticks
Evaluation Guide
- Name two instruments for measuring length
- State the metric units of length
- Measure correctly the length, breadth and height of objects in the classroom
- Record measurements correctly including units
- Name two instruments for measuring mass
- State the metric units of mass
- Use lever-arm balance to estimate the masses of objects in the classroom and record their findings
Week 2
Topic: Measurement of Time
Performance objectives
- Name the instrument for measuring time
- Perform specified activities within specified time frames
- State metric unit of time
- Measuring time:
- Instruments for measuring time,
- Units of measuring time
Teacher’s Activities
1 Uses chart to teach pupils how to read time
2 Initiates class discussion on how to accomplish certain tasks within specified time frame
Student’s Activities
- Read time correctly
- Read a paragraph of any story from their textbook and recap the story within a set time frame
- Read and learn the metric unit of time
Teaching & Learning Material
- A chart showing faces of clock with different readings in second, minute, hour
- Wall clock
- Stop clock
Evaluation Guide
- Name the instruments for measuring time
- State the metric unit of time
- Mention the uses of time
Week 3
Topic: soil
Performance objectives
- Mention the importance of soil to plants
- Mention the importance of soil to animals
- Importance of soil:
- Medium for plant growth
- Sources of nutrients (food) and air
- Importance of soil to animals:
- Surface for human activities (farming, building, pottery making)
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides pupils to mention the importance of soil to plants
- Guides pupils to mention the importance of soil to animals
- Explains the environmental importance of soil (checking erosions, beautifies the environment e.g. sports field, roads etc.)
Student’s Activities
- Mention the importance of soil to plants
- Identify things in their surroundings that is made from soil
- Visit potters workshop and observe articles made from soil to plants
- Visit the school garden
Teaching & Learning Material
- School garden
- Chart showing uses of soil (in roads, gardens, fields, pottery)
Evaluation Guide
- State two uses of soil to plants
- State two uses of soil to animals
Week 4
Topic: Air in motion
Performance objectives
1 State the meaning of wind
2 Describe their feelings when wind blows against their bodies
3 Demonstrate that air can do work
4 Explain the harmful effects of air
- Wind:
- Meaning
- Effect
- Importance
- Harmful effects of air
Teacher’s Activities
- Initiates and guides class discussion on the meaning of wind
- Makes reference to pupils experiences on windy days
- Guides pupils to make and fly paper or polythene kites
- Presents inflated balloons to lift objects
- Explains to pupils that wind propels the balloons, kites and windmill
- Presents the pictures of someone
- Sneezing,
- Coughing (without covering the mouth with his hand)
- Smoking
- Initiates and guide class discussion on the role of air in transferring harmful substances into the body
Student’s Activities
- Use paper or hand fan to show air in motion
- Observe and describe the effect of wind on:
- Their bodies
- Light objects like feathers, pieces of paper
- Make and fly paper kites
- Use inflated balloons to lift things
- Discuss the role of air in smoking coughing and sneezing
Teaching & Learning Material
- Pieces of paper
- Feathers
- Picture/chart showing the effect of wind
- Balloons
- Card board paper
- Pair of scissors
- Gum
- Sticks
- Thread
- Pictured chart of air
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of wind
- Describe their feelings when wind blows against their bodies
- Demonstrate how air does work e.g. move or propel objects
- List two harmful substances that can be taken into the body through the air
NERDC Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3. Measurement of length – Schemeofwork.com
Week 5
Topic: Quality and Uses of Water
Performance objectives
- List the qualities of good water
- Identify and name some substances that make water unfit for drinking
- State the dangers of drinking bad water
- State reasons for packaging water
- Identify types of packaged water
- List features of safe packaged water
- List the common uses of water
- Water quality
- Substances that contaminate water (i.e. make water unfit for drinking)
- Dangers of drinking bad water
- Common uses of water
- Purifying water
- Packaged water:
- Reasons for packaging water
- Types of packaged water
- Features of safe packaged water
Teacher’s Activities
- Provides pupils with samples of water of different qualities (clean, dirty, muddy)
- Uses simple activities to guide pupils to identify water that is unfit for drinking (check color, odor)
- Shows samples of contaminated water
- Guides class discussion on the dangers of drinking bad/ contaminated water
- Displays samples of packaged water and a glass of water in class, guides pupils to suggest reasons for packaging, identify types of packaged water, and features that make them safe
- Initiates and guides class discussions on the common uses of water
Student’s Activities
- Observe and describe samples of contaminated water
- Collect and observe substances that contaminate water e.g. sand, urine and dust
- Observe the displayed set of water samples
- Participate in class discussions
Teaching & Learning Material
- Samples of water:
- Clean water
- Muddy water
- Rain water
- Tap water
- Contaminated water
- Bottled water
- Sachet water
- Glass of water
- Sand
- Urine
- Dust
- Charts showing various ways water can be contaminated
Evaluation Guide
- Distinguish between good and bad water (color, odor)
- Mention three substances that make water unfit for drinking
- State 2 reasons for packaging water
- List 2 types of packaged water
- Mention three features of safe packaged water
- List five effects of drinking bad water
- List five uses of water
NERDC Basic Science Curriculum Primary 3. Measurement of length – Schemeofwork.com
Week 1
Topic: Plants
Performance objectives
- Pupils should be able to give reasons why plants are living things
- Plants as living things
Teacher’s Activities
1 Takes pupils on a nature walk to observe plants (explains characteristics which the observed plants display on the spot.)
2 Guides pupils to identify plants as living things. (Explain growth, irritability, reproduction as it affects plants)
Student’s Activities
- Observe plants in their localities
- Identify plants as living things
Teaching & Learning Material
- Specimen of plants in the locality
Evaluation Guide
- Pupils to state three reasons why plants are living things
Week 2
Topic: animals
Performance objectives
- Pupils should be able to give reasons why animals are living things
- Observing features of animals
Teacher’s Activities
- Takes pupils on a nature walk to observe animals (explains characteristics which the observed animals display on the spot.)
- Guides pupils to identify animals as living things. (explain growth, movement, feeding, irritability, excretion, reproduction as it affects animals)
Student’s Activities
- Observe animals in their localities
- Identify animals as living things
Teaching & Learning Material
- Specimen of animals in the locality
Evaluation Guide
- State five reasons why animals are living things
- Compare plants and animals as living things
BST: Basic Science Curriculum Primary 1 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 2 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary 3 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Upper Primary School 4 to 6 (NERDC)
BST: Basic Science Curriculum for Primary School 1 to 6 (NERDC)