Basic Electronics Scheme of Work for SS 1 Federal

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Basics Electronics Scheme of work 1
Basics Electronics Scheme of work 1

Technology Curriculum Education Research Center Senior Secondary. Federal Basic Electronics Scheme of Work for SS 1 –Schemeofwork


1ELECTRIC CURRENT Structure of atomTeachers explain the structure of atom. Students draw the structure of atom chart showing structure of an atom.
2CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORSTeacher; defines and explains conductors and insulators. List examples of conductors and insulators. Students; draw the structure of an atom in conductors and insulators. 2. Distinguish between conductors and insulators, participate in class discussion. Instructional Materials; Copper, wire, pieces of wood or rubber.
3APPLICATION OF CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS.Teacher leads the discussion on various uses of conductors and insulators. Students identify various objects made of conductors and insulators or charts showing materials made of insulators and conductors.
4ELECTRIC CURRENT Direct and alternating current.Teacher; defines and explain with relevant diagrams, direct and alternating current (AcaDc). Students to distinguish between asking and answering question . Instructional Materials; Dry cells, battery charts showing various sources of alternating current.
5ELECTRIC CURRENT Differences between current (D.C) and alternating currentTeacher; guides the students to distinguish between direct and alternating current. Students; state the difference between direct and alternating current. Instructional Materials; dry cells, batter, charts, showing various sources of alternating current.
6ELECTRIC CURRENT Sources of direct and alternating current.Teacher; explains sources of direct and alternating current. Students; mention two sources of alternating current. Instructional Materials; Dry cells, battery, charts, showing various sources of alternating current.
7RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOLTAGE CURRENT AND RESISTANCE. Current, voltage, and resistanceTeacher; defines and explains current, voltage and resistance.    Students; define current voltage and resistance.
8RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOLTAGE, CURRENT AND RESISTANCE Measurement of voltage, current and resistance.Teacher; state units, symbols, and instruments for measuring voltage, current, and resistance. Demonstrates using instrument to measure voltage, current and resistance (practical). Students; to measure current, voltage and resistance. Instructional Materials; resistors, resistor boxes, connecting wires, circuit boards, dry cells, ammeter, ohmmeter, and voltmeter.
9RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOLTAGE CURRENT AND RESISTANCE Ohm’s law Definition of ohm’s law. Mathematical expression for ohm’s law.Teacher; states and explains ohm’s law. Students; state ohm’s law. State the mathematical expression for ohm’s law. Instructional Materials; calculator, charts on ohm’s law.
10RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOLTAGE, CURRENT, AND RESISTANCE Simple experiment to determine ohm’s lawTeacher; performs an experiment to demonstrate ohm’s law. Students; perform experiment on ohm’s law. Take readings and draw graph to determine voltage, current and resistance. Instructional Materials; resistors, resistor boxes or variables resistors, connecting wires, dry cells, ammeter, ohmmeter, and voltmeter, graph sheet and calculator.
11RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOLTAGE, RESISTANCE AND CURRENT Simple calculation of current, voltage and resistance in a given circuit.Teacher; calculates current, voltage and resistance in a given circuit. Students; calculate voltage in a circuit where current of 5A flows and the circuit resistance is 10 ohms Instructional Materials; calculators, circuit diagrams.


1ELECTRIC POWER Concept of electric powerTeacher; defines and explains electric power.
2ELECTRIC POWER Relationship between power, current and voltage.Teacher; states the relationship between power, current and voltage (P=IV). Students; state the formula for guiding power. Calculate power in given circuit. Instructional Materials; Calculator, charts containing power formulas.
3ELECTRIC POWER Deriving power for electric power, and calculation of power in given circuits.Teacher; derives other formula for finding power. E.g P=I2 R, etc, units. Students; calculate power in given circuits. E.g. calculate power expanded in a circuit of voltage 240V and current 10 Amps. Calculator, chart containing power formulas. Teacher; calculate power in given circuits. Students; calculates power in given circuits. Instructional Materials; Calculator, charts containing power formulas, circuit diagrams.
4CIRCUIT COMPONENTS Concept of resistors. Symbols, sign and unit of resistance.Teacher explains the concepts of resistors, types of resistors. Students listen attentively. Identify various types of resistors. Instructional Materials; Assorted resistors. Draw symbols and sign of resistance.
5CIRCUIT COMPONENTS Resistance colour coding and rating. Calculation of resistance.Teacher; explains resistors, colour coding and rating. Calculate resistance from resistor colour coding. Students; calculate value of resistance from given resistor colour codes. Instructional Materials; Assorted resistors, charts showing resistor colour codes.
6CIRCUIT COMPONENTS Capacitors and inductors.Teacher; explains capacitors and inductors. Students state the types of capacitors and inductors. Draw the symbols and signs of capacitors and inductors.  Instructional Materials; Assorted capacitors and inductors.
7CAPACITOR COLOUR CODING AND CALCULATION. INDUCTOR CALCULATIONTeacher; explains capacitors colour coding and rating, inductor rating. Calculation of capacitors in series, parallel and series parallel. Calculation of inductors in series, parallel and series- parallel. Students assisted to calculate values for capacitance and inductance. Instructional Materials; Assorted capacitor, inductors circuit diagram.
8ELECTRIC CIRCUIT ELECTRIC CIRCUIT- BASIC COMPONENTS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUIT. (RESISTANCE, VOLTAGE AND CURRENT).Teacher; explains electric circuit, different circuit boards, (e.g. veroboard, printed circuit board (PCB). Students; identify electric circuit, and different types of circuit board. Identify basic components of electric circuit. Instructional Materials; Different circuit boards, circuit diagrams.
9ELECTRIC CIRCUIT CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENT Series,  Parallel, andSeries- parallel. Wiring of the different circuit arrangements.Teacher; explains each circuit arrangement. Students; identify the three circuit arrangements. Carryout practical wiring of different circuit arrangement. Instructional Materials; Assorted resistors, cells, connecting wires, circuit boards, voltmeter, Ammeter, Ohmmeter, etc.
10SIMPLE CALCULATION ON CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENT. Calculation involving series arrangement.Calculation involving parallel arrangement.Calculation involving series parallel.Teacher; performs simple calculations for different circuit arrangements. Students calculate resistance in series, parallel, and series-parallel arrangement. Instructional Materials; Charts showing different circuit arrangements.


1MAGNETS AND MAGNETIC FIELD Definition of terms, magnetism, magnetic poles, magnetic field and magnetic materials.Temporary and permanent magnets.Teacher; explains the meaning of the following terms; MagnetismMagnetic polesMagnetic fieldMagnetic materials. Students participate in class discussion. Instructional Materials; Magnetic materials.
2MAGNETIC AND MAGNETIC FIELD Temporary and permanent magnets. Differentiate between temporary and permanent magnets.Teacher leads discussion on the differences between permanent and temporary magnets. Instructional Materials; Bar magnets, iron fillings, zip drive, magnetic tapes, floppy disk.
3MAGNETS AND MAGNETIC FIELD The law of attraction and repulsion.Teacher explains the laws of attraction and repulsion. Directs students to state the law of attraction and repulsion. Students to demonstrate law of attraction and repulsion using two bar magnets, and iron fillings. Instructional Materials; Bar magnets, iron filling, etc.
4MAGNETS AND MAGNETISM Application of magnetism (zip-disk, floppy disk, hard disk, etc).Teacher states the application of magnetism. Students identify application areas of magnetism (appliances and equipments). Instructional Materials; Appliance and equipments.
5MAGNETS AND MAGNETISM Demonstration of law of attraction and repulsion.Teacher to guide students on demonstration of laws of attraction and repulsion. Instructional Materials Bar magnets, iron filling.
6ELECTRO-MAGNETISM Explanation of terms; 1 Electric field. 2 Electro-magnet. 3 Electro-magnetism 4 Inductance.Teacher explain the terms; electric field, electro-magnet, electro-magnetism, inductance. Students define terms; electric field, electro-magnet, electro-magnetism. Instructional Materials Charts showing electro-magnetism diagrams.
7Application of electro-magnetism (e.g. electric bell, relay transformer, etc). Construction of any of the following, (electric bells, relays, and transformer).Teacher explains application areas of electro-magnetism. Students list the applications of magnetism chart showing application areas of electro-magnetism. Teacher shows the construction of electric bells, relays, transformer etc. students practice the construction of an electric bell, relay and transformer.
8ELECTRIC EMISSION Concepts of thermionic emission, photo electric emission, secondary and field emission.Teacher explains the different types of electron emission. Students listen attentively. Instructional Materials; Pictures showing the different types of emission.
9ELECTRIC EMISSION Application of electronic emission. Differences between the types of electron emission.Teacher discusses the application of electron emission. The different types of electron emission. Students differentiate the four types of electron emission. Instructional Materials; Different types of thermionic values, charts, software.
10SEMI-CONDUCTORS Concept of semi-conductor, semi-conductor materials (silicon germanium etc) Doping of semi-conductor material. Formation ofTeacher explains the concept of semi- conductor, guides the students to identify semi- conductor materials, explains how doping of semi-conductor is achieved. Students participate in class, ask and answer questions. Explain concept of semi-conductor. List the types of semi-conductor. Explain how doping of semi-conductor is achieved. Instructional Materials; Pictures of semi-conductor materials, software.
11SEMI-CONDUCTORS. Forward and reverse bias of semi-conductors. Concepts and principle of operation of diode (forward and reverse bias). Types of diodes and rating. Identification of the following; P-N junction diodes.Zeior diodes, tunnel diodes, light emitting diodes (LED diodes).Teacher discusses the process the process of P-type and N-type semi-conductor. Explain the forward and reverse biasing of semi- conductor. Students explain the process of formation of P-type and N-type semi-conductor. Explain the forward and reverse biasing of semi-conductor. Instructional Materials; Picture of semi-conductor materials, software.
12Voltage, current and power rating of diode. Application of diodes (rectification, detection and instrument protection). Construction of simple circuit using semi-conductive diodes.Teacher explains the concept of diodes. Guide students to differentiate the types of diodes. Directs discussion on the operational principles of semi-conductor diodes. Explain the rating of diode. States the application of the different types of diodes. Constructs simple circuits using semi-conductor diodes. Assorted kinds of semi-conductor diodes, chart containing pictures of different diodes. Instructional Materials; Software on semi-conductor diodes.

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