Basic Electricity Scheme of Work for SS 2 Federal

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Basic Electricity Scheme of work
Basic Electricity Scheme of work

Technology Syllabus Senior Secondary. SS 2 Basic Electricity Scheme of Work Federal. EMF Definition of DC


1ELECTRICITY GENERATION -Concept of electricity generation -Types of generating station -Principles of operation . Hydro-power station -Advantages and disadvantages of hydro-power generation.Illustrate, using diagrams, the operation of hydro-power station.
2ELECTRICITY GENERATION -Principles of operation of; .Gas power station .Steam power station .Thermal power station -Advantages and disadvantages of the types of power station.  Illustrate with diagram, the operation of the various types of power station.
3TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY -Concept of transmission of electricity -Method of transmission of electricity -Differences between the short and medium transmission lines.Illustrate with pictures, showing parts of the national grid.
4TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY -Components of transmission system –Function of components of transmission system. -General layout for transmission of electric power.Display some components of transmission system (conductors, insulator, protective devices) etc
5DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY -Basic concept of electricity distribution -Layout and main components of electricity distribution -Function of sub-station, transformers, distributors, and feeders.Sketch the layout of main components of electricity distribution.
6DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY Field tripTake students to see PHCN’s distribution network.
7DC GENERATORS Induced EMF Definition of DC generator Principles of operation and main parts of DC generatorDemonstrate with the right hand, fleming’s right hand rule.
8DC GENERATOR 1 Calculation of generated voltage and output voltage.Calculate generated voltages, and output voltage.
9DC GENERATORS 2 Types of DC generators.Sketch diagram of different types of DC generators.
10DC GENERATORS 3 -Methods of connection of DC generators -Differences between series, shunt and compound DC -generators. -Uses of DC generators.Sketch the connecting diagram for series, shunt, and compound DC generators.

Technology Syllabus Senior Secondary. SS 2 Basic Electricity Scheme of Work Federal –


1AC GENERATORS -Principles of AC generator -Description of the constructional features of AC generator.Draw and label the diagram of an AC generator and explain each part.
2AC GENERATOR -Characteristics of AC generator. -Application of AC generator.  Draw label and explain the wave generated by AC generators, showing the characteristics.
3AC MOTORS -Definition of AC motors. -Principles of operating AC motors. -Description of main features of AC motor.Draw and label the main features of an AC motor.
4AC MOTOR -Types of AC motors -Differences between single and three phase motors.State with examples, the types of AC motors.
5AC MOTORS Domestic and industrial application of AC motors.Display some electrical appliances that use AC motors, e.g electric fan, drilling machine etc
6MEASURING INSTRUMENTS -Identification of electrical measuring instruments. Operational range of measuring instruments.Use electrical measuring instruments to measure electrical quantities.
7MEASURING INSTRUMENTS -Conversion of moving coil instrument into ammeter. -Conversion of moving coil instrument into voltmeter.Demonstrate the conversion of moving coil instrument into ammeter/voltmeter.
8MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Measurement of various electrical quantities using the measuring instruments.Carry out practical on measurements of voltage, current, and resistance using measuring instruments.
9INSTRUMENTATION ERRORS -Identification of sources of errors in electrical measuring instruments. -Reduction of electrical instruments errors.Demonstrate how instrument errors can be reduced during measurements.
10INSTRUMENTATION ERRORS Measurement of electrical quantities with electrical instruments with minimal errors.Taking of readings with electrical instruments with minimal errors.

Technology Syllabus Senior Secondary. SS 2 Basic Electricity Scheme of Work Federal –


1WIRING REGULATIONS 1 -I.E.E regulation. -Application of I.E.E regulation.Use the current I.E.E regulation for explanation.
2HAND TOOLS AND TESTING IMPLEMENTS -Identification of hand tools. -Identification of testing instruments. -Application of tools and testing instruments.Use hand tools and testing instruments.
3TYPES OF ELECTRICAL WIRING Types of wiring; surface, conduit, trunking, ducting etc  Carry out practical surface wiring.
4LIGHTING POINTS AND SWITCHES -Identification of lighting points -Identification of control switches.Display types of lighting points and switches.
5WIRING REGULATION 2 -Preparation of cable ends. -Method of termination of cables.Demonstrate by joining two ends of cables with connector block.
6CONDUIT MATERIALS -Types of conduit materials. -Classification of conduit materials. -Application of conduit materials.Display various types of conduit materials.
7CONDUIT FITTINGS -Types of conduit fittings. -Classification of conduit fittings. -Application conduit fittings.Display various types of conduit fittings.
8INSTALLATION OF CONDUIT SYSTEM Conduit practical work; making out, preparing the conduit, termination, fixing, and drawing cables into conduit.Take a field trip to a building site and observe, demonstrate the practical process of conduit installation.
9TRUNKING AND DUCTING -Types of trunking and ducting -Types of trunking and ducting fittings. -Area of application of trunking and ducting.Describe where trunking and ducting are used, with the aid of a diagram.
10POWER SOCKET OUTLETS -Layout diagram of radial circuit, ring circuit, final sub circuit, and spur. -Areas of application.Catty out practical on a wiring board
11MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS -Types of maintenance; preventive and corrective. -General preventive maintenance of electrical appliances. -Trouble-shooting; faults and remedy.Demonstrate the repair of a faulty appliance, dismantle and reassemble an appliance.

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