The auto-mechanic scheme of work is designed to help students to:
Acquire relevant knowledge for repairing motor vehicles and other related machinery
Develop adequate knowledge and skills for employment in job areas such as service station and repair shops
Develop adequate knowledge and skills for self-employment
Acquire positive attitude towards practical skills
Adopt precautions for safe use and care of tools and resources in the workshop
Provide an avenue for upward mobility into territory programe in Auto mechanics Promote good customer relationship and take good care of customer’s properties
General safety precautions
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify hazards relating to auto mechanic works Ii] identify various safety rules to be observed in an automobile workshops Iii]differentiate between the various types of safety in a workshop Iv] identify accident prevention techniques and safety devices e.g. sand bucket, fire extinguisher, etc
Students as individuals identify hazards relating to auto mechanic works Students in small groups demonstrate safety rules to be observed on automobile workshop Students in small groups brainstorms how accident can be prevented in a workshop Students as individuals demonstrate using safety devices in a workshop
Personal development Problem solving Communication Critical thinking Student leadership
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: I] identify the various learning activities involved in an automobile workshop and the maintenance involved
Students in pairs, identify various learning activities involved in an automobile workshop and the maintenance involved Students as individuals give brief understanding on the concept of automobile workshop learning activities
Critical thinking Personal development Problem solving communication collaboration
Tools and Equipment Used In An Automobile Workshop
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify tools used in automobile workshop and their applications e.g. open ended spanner, box spanner, wrenches, screwdrivers etc. Select the correct tool or equipment for a given generation.
Students as Individual identify tools used in an automobile workshop and give its applications. Students in pairs, demonstrate the safe use of each of the tools under content. They also demonstrate how the measuring instruments and other equipment listed in content used in the auto Industry paying attention to safety precautions. Note: Take students to a well-equipped workshop in the locality to see some of the measuring instruments and other workshop equipment listed in content.
-Personal Communication and collaboration. – Critical thinking and problem solving. – Leadership and personal development
Introduction to the Motor Vehicle Vehicle Layout And Components Vehicle Body
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify types of body chassis construction and drive arrangements of the motor vehicle ii. explain the functions of the main components of motor vehicle. iii. describe the main components and their positions on the motor vehicle.
Students in pairs uses flesh cards charts or posters to identify types of body chassis construction and drive arrangements of motor vehicle Students as individual explain functions of the main components of the motor vehicle.
– Leadership and personal development – Critical thinking and problem solving -Communication and collaboration
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: i. identify various types of vehicle body.
Students as individuals identify various types of vehicle body, chassis construction and drive
Student leadership Personal development
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Real objects Charts Posters
Chassis construction and drive arrangements of the vehicle e.g. saloon, wagon, coupe, delivery, truck, articulated etc.. Sketch a vehicle layout ii. identify principal/ major components of vehicle chassis e.g. engine, clutch gear box iii. State the functions of various chassis component.
arrangements of the vehicle Students in small groups sketches a vehicle layout Students in pairs discusses the functions of various chassis components
Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Internal combustion Engine Types of engine: Petrol Diesel Purpose of an engine. Main components of an engine.
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: i. identify the purpose of an engine. ii. Describe the main component parts of the engine.
Students in pairs describe the main component parts of the engine. Students, in small groups uses flash cards, poster and cards to explain the purpose of an engine.
Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1. Identify the parts/ components of spark ignition engine e.g. spark plug, k ignition assembly, carburettor etc.
– Students as individual gives basic understanding on the concept of internal combustion engine – Students as a class, identify the parts/components of spark ignition engine
Personal Development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Principles and operation of the engines Advantages, Disadvantages of Petrol, and diesel engines. Construction and operation o the 2-stroke; 4-stroke. Internal combustion engines (Petrol and: diesel) combustion of single and multi- cylinder engines. Advantages and Disadvantages
By the end of the lesson, Students should be able to; i. identify features of a multi cylinder engine ii. explain the operation of multi cylinder engine (4- Stroke Cycle).
Students as individuals, uses flash card s/charts, posters to identify features of a multi cylinder engine. Students in small groups, explain the operation of multi cylinder engine. Students pairs, compares and distinguish advantages and disadvantages of petrol and diesel engines. Students in class are grouped into two with the topics petrol engine and diesel engine. Both group sub-divided into 2 and 4 strokes petrol engine, 2.and 4 strokes diesel engines. Both groups use sketches or charts to explain the construction and Operation of 2 and 4 stroke petrol engines and diesel engines respectively. After presentation, the groups are to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both engines.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. describe valve timing ii. describe ignition timing iii. list effects of incorrect valve timing iv. stat& procedure/steps involved, in carrying out Valve timing (b)
Students as a class, gives brief understanding on the concept of valve and, ignition timing Students as. individuals state procedures involved in carrying out valve timing and ignition timing
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking Student leadership
Ignition timing. I. state the firing order suitable for a 4 cylinder engine
Students in pairs, uses flash charts or posters placed around the class to describe valve timing and ignition timing Students share themselves in two groups, with the topic valve timing and ignition timing Researches are done and then presented and defended to the class.
Project and revision Project and revision Project and revision
End of Term Examination
Access Lagos State Senior Secondary School Unified Auto Mechanics Scheme of work SSS1. SS1 Syllabus –
Auto Mechanics Scheme of Work SSS1 Second Term
Transmission System types of transmission Layout of the conventional transmission system.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. develop knowledge of the functions of various components in the transmission system. ii. develop skills in detecting and rectifying faults in the transmission system.
Students as individuals, develop skills in detecting and rectifying faults in the transmission system. Students in pairs sketches layout of the conventional transmission system. Students in small groups, uses, charts to identify the types of transmission system used on vehicles. They also discuss the purpose of the transmission system.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Clutch Types of clutches Function of clutch Operations of the clutch system methods of clutch actuation
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. describe the functions of the clutch. ii. describe how the clutch systems operate. iii. demonstrate the method of clutch actuation.
Students as individuals uses posters / charts placed around the class to describe the function of the clutch. Students in small groups demonstrate the method of clutch actuation. Students in pairs describes how the clutch systems operate. Students as a class have a group discussion on the functions of a clutch in vehicles. They make a demonstration on the method of actuating the clutch on a vehicle and the operations of the clutch system. Students in small groups check and rectify minor.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Fault diagnosis Clutch fault diagnosis Excessive Pedal free play Insufficient pedal free play Slip Drag Judder Bleeding Hydraulic clutch system
By the end of lesson, students should be able to: i. Diagnose and rectify minor faults Bleed the hydraulic clutch system.
Students in pairs, describes how the clutch systems operate Students as a class have a group discussion on the functions of clutch in vehicles They make a demonstration on the method of actuating the clutch on a vehicle and the operations of the clutch system. Student in small groups check and rectify minor faults in clutches after studying flash cards. Students in pairs, bleed the hydraulic clutch systems Students share themselves in Small groups. Each group examine the various clutch unit noting any fault found. They also research different methods in bleeding the hydraulic clutch system.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Gearbox Purpose of gearbox Advantages and Disadvantages of gearboxes. Types and operation of gearboxes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. explain the purpose of the gearbox ii. State the advantages and disadvantages of the gearbox – Sketch and describe the operation of gearbox.
Students as individuals, uses flash cards and posters placed around the class to explain the purpose of the gearbox -Students in pairs, state advantages and disadvantages of the gearbox. Students in small groups, sketches and describes the operation of various types of Gearbox Students in groups to make presentations on the differences between the types of gearboxes to decide which one is better.
Personal development Problem Solving -Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. detect and rectify minor gearbox faults.
Students as a class, dismantle any available gearbox, examine the gears, bearings, shafts etc. for wear, cracks and other faults, rectify and reassemble.
Personal development Problem Solving -Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking
Universal Joints Types of universal joints Purpose of the universal joints
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify the various types of universal joint ii. explain the purpose of the universal joint.
Students as a class, identify universal joints from given charts sketches or real objects showing various types propeller shaft and universal joints on a vehicle and identify the type of universal joints. Students in pairs, explains the purpose of the universal joint.
– Personal development Problem Solving – Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Real objects Charts Posters WEB RESOURCES – joints/what-is-a-universal-joint
Propeller shafts Types of propeller shaft Purpose of propeller shaft Propeller s haft alignment
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify the various types of propeller shafts ii explain the constructional difference between the hotch kiss and torque tube shafts iii. Carry out checks on propeller shaft for bow and twist.
Students in pairs should carry out checks on propeller shaft for bow and twist. Students in small groups identify the various types of propeller shafts. Students partake in group discussions they are to analyse the constructional difference between the hatch-kiss and torque tube shafts.
– Personal development Problem Solving – Communication and Collaboration Critical thinking
Rear Axle Purpose, construction and operation, Main components of rear axle Functions of the main component.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. explain the purpose, construction and operation of the rear axle. ii. describe the functions of the main components of the rear axle. iii. sketch and label the main components of the rear axle
Students share themselves in two groups. Each group discuss the functions of each component part and reassemble axle with special emphasis on correct preloading of pinion and side bearings, correct meshing of crown wheel and pinion gears. Students in small groups sketches and label the main components of the rear axle. Students in pairs use flash cards to explain the purpose, construction and operation of the rear axle.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration
Method of supporting axle shaft Methods of supporting axle shaft Advantages and disadvantages
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. identify the methods of supporting axle shafts
Students share themselves in small groups, Each group uses sketches, charts or re object to discuss the constructional features of the three methods, of supporting axle shafts Students in pair arrange in table the advantages and disadvantages of supporting axle shafts Students in small groups, aligns the method of supporting axle shaft
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Real objects Charts Posters WEB RESOURCES https://www.ques advantages-and- disadvantages-/
Fault Diagnosis of Axle Shaft Noise Oil leakage Excessive back lash etc
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. check and rectify axe fault.
Students in pairs investigate problems of axle and rectify them where necessary. Students in pairs dismantles rear axle and examine the faulty parts. Students as individuals give their basic understanding on electrical circuits.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Real objects Charts Posters WEB RESOURCES axle-cv-shaft assembly/
Electrical Fundamentals Basic electrical terms Electrical ii. Circuits Ohm’s Law.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: ii. draw simple electrical circuits,
Students as individuals give their basic understanding on electrical circuits
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration
AUDIO VISUAL RESOURCES Real objects Charts Posters
ii. State Ohm’s law. Use Ohm’s law to solve problems in electrical circuits.
Students as a class, build simple series and parallel circuits. Students in pairs, draw simple electrical circuits
Battery Purpose of battery Battery construction Battery testing equipment Preparation of electrolyte Battery care and maintenance
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i. Sketch and describe the construction and functions of lead acid battery ii. check the strength of a battery using basic equipment Prepare electrolyte and check its strength Maintain and charge the lead acid battery.
Students share themselves into two groups. Each group uses sulphuric acid, distilled water and other essential items to prepare an electrolyte and use a hydrometer to check the strength of the electrolyte. Students in pairs, check the strength of a battery using a basic equipment Students in small groups, sketches and describe the construction and functions of lead acid battery.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Wiring Wiring systems Colour coding Cables joining and connectors
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to; i. identify the wiring systems used on motor vehicles i. explain reasons for colour coding of wires Solder wires and join cables to connectors
Students share themselves in pairs, They use sketches, select suitable cable/wire of different sizes and colours to discuss the difference between the earth and insulated earth return wiring system and state reasons for using the wires in different colours and sizes. Students in small groups, spider wires and join cables to connectors
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Ignition system Layout: Coil ignition system Functions of the spark plug, heat range and measurement of air gap
By the end of the lesson students should be able to: i explain the purpose of the coil Ignition system ii. sketch and label the main components of the conventional type of coil ignition system
Students as individuals give basic understanding on ignition system. Students as a class, sketches and label the main components of the conventional type of coil ignition systems. Students in small groups, uses flash cards/charts in listing functions of spark plug, heat range and measurement of air gap.
Personal development Problem solving Communication Collaboration Critical thinking
Ignition system Components: Heat range and measurement of the sit gasp Component parts: ignition coil, contact breaker and condenser Ignition timing on a petrol
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: identify and describe the function of a spark plug identify heat range and measure the air gap . Set ignition timing on a petrol engine.
Students in groups, discuss the effect of retarded and advanced ignition on engine performance. Students perform ignition timing on a petrol engine and check the ignition timing using light and reset when necessary. Students as individuals, identify and describes the function of a spark plug, heat range and measurement of air gap
Personal development Communication Collaboration Critical thinking