Federal Capital Territory Syllabus for Secondary School. SS 2 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com
1 | Processing of animal products | i. Processing of eggs ii. Processing of meat | Teacher demonstrates processing of animal products Students are asked to make a collection of processed animal products |
2 | “ | i. Processing of meat ii. Processing of hide and skin iii. Processing of wool | Teacher demonstrates processing of animal productsStudents are asked to make a collection of processed animal products |
3 | Marketing of animal products | i. Definition of marketing ii. Marketing channels iii. Advantages and disadvantages of marketing channels | Teacher illustrates and demonstrates marketing channelsStudents to participate in marketing of animal products from school farm. |
4 | Animal nutrition and classes of animal feed | i. Definition of animal nutrition ii. importance of animal nutrition iii. Classification of farm animal feeds | ÂTeacher displays charts and picturesStudents areasked to make collection of common animal feeds |
5 | Sources of animal feed stuff | i. Carbohydrates and their sources ii. Protein and their sources iii. Fats and oils and their sources. | Students are asked to make collection of feed stuff and classify them |
6 | Sources of animal feed stuff | i. Vitamins and their sources ii. Minerals and their sources iii. Water and their sources | Teacher displays charts and pictures of various sources of feed stuffLive specimens to be displayed by the teacher |
7 | Values and functions of various animal feed stuff | i. Supply of energy ii. Help in milk production iii. Help in tissue formation iv. Repair of worn out tissues v. Help in temperature regulation. | Teacher leads discussion in the classroomStudents participates in the classroom discussion |
8 | Values and function of various animal feed stuff | i. Insulates the body ii. For growth and development iii. Aid resistance to diseases iv. Used in acid base balance v. Essential for digestion of food. | – Teacher leads classroom discussion and ensures that students participate actively in the class |
9 | Practical on animal products processing | i. Meat processing ii. Milk processing iii. Egg processing vi. Hide and skin processing | i. Teacher demonstrates meat processing stages ii. Teacher organizes field trip to abbattoir iii. Teacher provides videos of animal product processing for students to watch in the laboratory. |
10 | Practical on animal nutrition | i. Identification and collection of animal feed stuff e.g. cereals, tubers, roughages, domestic waste ii. Plant and animal sources of protein, fats and oils, vitamins etc iii. Sources of water e.g. feeding sources, drinking sources and metabolic water. | Students to produce their individual feed stuff albumTeacher displays charts and pictures of various sources of feed stuff |
11 | Practical on animal nutrition | i. Preparation of hay, silage etc ii. Preparation of poultry feeds iii. Milling of animal feeds | Teacher demonstrates Preparation of hay, silage etcStudents work in groups to produce hay and silage |
12 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
13 & 14 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
Federal Capital Territory Syllabus for Secondary School. SS 2 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com
1 | Livestock rations | i. Definition of animal ration ii. Types of rations e.g. balanced ration, maintenance ration and production ration | Teacher leads the classroom discussion and ensures that students participate actively |
2 | “ | i. Distinguish between the various rations ii. Identify the nutrients that constitute the various types of ration | Teacher leads the classroom discussion and ensures that students participate actively |
3 | Formulation of livestock ration | i. Methods of ration formulation ii. Identification of ingredients for ration formulation e.g. blood meal, fish meal, cotton seed meal, bone meal, oyster shell, ground nut cake, maize grain, palm kernel cake etc. iii. Factors to consider in formulation of animal ration. | i). Students to make collection of various feed ingrefients. ii). Students to work in group to formulate animal ratio. |
4 | Malnutrition in livestock production | i. Definition of malnutrition ii. Symptoms of malnutrition iii. Causes of malnutrition iv. Effects of malnutrition on livestock production | i. The teacher provides malnourished farm animals for students to watch. |
5 | Practical on formulation of livestock ration | i. Formulation of poultry feeds ii. Preparation of hay, silage and husk iii. Build an album of various ingredients used for formulation of animal feeds. | i. The teacher guides the students on the preparation of hay, silage, husk etc |
6 | Practical on formulation of livestock ration | i. Formulation of ration for pigs, rabbit, sheep and goats ii. Build an album of different feed stuff used for formulation of feeds for pigs, rabbit, sheep and goats. | The teacher groups the students into projrct groups to formulate rations for different classes of livestock |
7 | Pasture management practices | i. Meaning of pasture ii. Meaning of forage crop iii. Distinguish between pasture and forage crops | The teacher guides classroom discussion and ensure that students participate actively |
8 | “ | i. Types of pasture – natural pasture – artificial pasture | “ |
9 | Characteristics of pasture grasses legumes | Examples of pasture grasses e.g. guinea grass, elephant grass, bahama grass, northern gamba, giant star grass, spear grass. | The teacher exhibits the different pasture grasses for students to observe and identify them |
10 | Characteristics of pasture legumes | Examples of pasture legumes e.g. centro, tropical kudzu, stylo, calapo etc. | “ |
11 | Practical on pasture grasses and legumes | i. Identification of common pasture grasses and their botanical names ii. Identification of common pasture legumes and their botanical names | i. The students are asked to produce their individual pasture grasses and legume albums |
12 & 13 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
13 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
Federal Capital Territory Syllabus for Secondary School. SS 2 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com
1 | Range land | Definition of range land Characteristics of range land | The teacher guides classroom discussion Provides pictures/videos of a typical rangelandField trip to a rangeland |
2 | Importance of range land | State importance of range land e.g. Provides balanced feedsProvides protein needsSource of cheap quality feeds for animalsAnimals exercise themselves maximallyReduce cost of feedingPrevent soil erosion | “ |
3 | Methods of range land improvement | Reseeding PadlockingControlled stockingAvoidance of overgrazingFertilizer application Pest controlControlled burning | The teacher guides classroom discussion |
4 | Practical | Field trip to a rang landCollection of common pasture grasses from a range landCollection of common pasture legumes from a rangeland. | Students exhibit their collections of pasture grasses and legumes in the laboratory |
5 | Factors affecting production of herbage in a range land | RainfallGrazing patternGrasses and legumesWeed control Disease and pest controlDrought resistance Controlled burning Irrigation | The teacher guides classroom discussion |
6 | Practical on animal feeds and feeding | Formulation of balanced feeds in the labouratory Feeding of the school farm animals with the formulated feeds in the laboratory | Teacher demonstrates stages involved in formulation of balanced diet Students are assigned to feed different farm animals available in the school farm |
7 | Practical on animal feeds | Expose students to diet formulation for different classes of farm animals e.g. StarterGrowerFinisherStudents to identify different feed ingredients used for diet formulation e.g. Blood meal Fish mealCotton seed cakeSystem shellGroundnut cakeMaize grains e.t.c | The teacher guides classroom discussionThe teacher provides formulated animal diet for students to observe Students are asked to make a collection of feed ingredients |
8 | Practical ways of checking malnutrition in animal husbandry | Feeding balanced dietFeeding weaker animals separately Deworming of animalsGiving supplementary feeds and feeds additives to stimulate appetite Adjust stock rate | The teacher guides discussion in the laboratoryTeacher demonstrates deworming and feeding of weaker animals |
9 | Practical on processing and marketing of animal products | Slaughtering and dressing of poultry, goat, sheep etc. Marketing of processed animal products | The teacher demonstrates slaughtering and dressing of farm animals Provides videos of farm animal processing for students to watch |
10 | Field trips | Visit to a modern abattoir Visit to meat shops in the market Visit to cold room where animal products are stored | The teacher organizes a trip Students are asked to write report on their visits to abattoir |
11 | Revision | Revision | Revision |
12 | Examination | Examination | Examination |
Federal Capital Territory Syllabus for Secondary School. SS 2 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work Federal –Schemeofwork.com