Agricultural Science Curriculum for SS3

19 Min Read
Agricultural Science Curriculum
Agricultural Science Curriculum

NERDC Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Agriculture SS3. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS 3. –



Week 1


Crop Improvement

Performance objectives

  • Enumerate the aims of crop improvement.
  • Explain the methods of crop improvement
  • State Mendel’s 1st law of segregation of genes.
  • State Mendel’s 2nd law of independent assortment of genes.
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of crop improvement


  • Aims of crop improvement
    • To increase Yield,
    • Improve quality of produce, etc.
  • Method of crop improvement
  • proper timing of planting;
  • Adoption of better cultivation methods; Etc.
  • Mendel’s law of inheritance
  • Definition of some genetic terms
  • Characters or traits, chromosomes, genes, etc.
  • Mendel’s 1st law of segregation of genes
  • Mendel’s 2nd law of independents assortment of genes (give examples).
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of crop Improvement   

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Guides class discussion.

Student’s Activities

  • Participate actively in class discussion

Teaching &Learning Material    

  • Charts showing Mendel’s law of inheritance

Evaluation Guide

  • Enumerate 5 aims of crop improvement.
  • Explain the method of crop improvement.
  • State and briefly explain Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
  • Mention 5 each of advantages and disadvantages of crop improvement.



Week 1


Animal Improvement

Performance objectives

  • Explain the meaning of animal improvement.
  • State the aims of animal improvement.
  • Describe the various methods of animal improvement.
  • State the effects of each method or process on animal improvement.
  • Explain the term artificial insemination as an instrument of breeding
  • State the advantages and disadvantages artificial insemination


  • Meaning of animal improvement.
  • Aims of animal improvement.
  • Method of animal improvement.
  • Introduction
  • Selected-types of selection.
  • Breeding-Types.
  • Meaning of artificial insemination
  • Methods of collecting semen.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of artificial insemination.             

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Presents Pictures of different types of breed to show differences and similarities between the breeds.
  • Illustration using concepts map

Student’s Activities

  • Observes differences and similarities between the breeds.

Teaching &Learning Material    

  • Pictures of local and exotic breeds
  • Concept map of animal improvement

Evaluation Guide

  • Define animal improvement.
  • Mention 5 aims of animal improvement.
  • List the various methods of animal improvement.
  • Explain the term artificial insemination?
  • 5 state 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of artificial insemination.

Week 2


Animal Health Management

Performance objectives

  • Define Diseases.
  • State the causal organisms of animal diseases.
  • State and discuss factors that could predispose animals to disease and reaction of animals to diseases.
  • Name some important diseases of livestock and their causal organism.
  • Describe the life cycle and mode of transmission of selected livestock parasites.
  • Identify some eco and endo parasites of livestock.
  • Describe the life cycle and mode of transmission of selected livestock parasites
  • Discuss preventive, control and curative methods of important animal diseases important diseases.


  • Meaning of diseases
  • Casual organisms: Viruses, Bacteria, fungi, protozoa

A). factors that control predispose animals to diseases:

-Health status of animals


-Management etc.

b) Reactions of animals to diseases: susceptibility and resistance to diseases.

Symptoms, effects and mode of transmission of selected diseases e.g.

i).Viral diseases- foot and mouth, rinderpest, Newcastle etc. ii).Bacterial – anthrax, brucellosis, tuberculosis etc.

iii) protozoa-      trypano somiasis, coccidiosis etc.

vi. fungal-scabies, ring worm.

  • Parasites:
  • meaning of parasites:
  • Mode of transmission and life cycles of some selected livestock parasites.
  • General methods of prevention and control of diseases and parasites:
  • Quarantine, inoculation, etc.
  • Control of parasites: Dipping, drenching, spraying and deworming.

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Assists the students to collect insect pests like lice from the body of animals for identification.
  • Displays specimen s of common endo- parasites and ecto-parasites.
  • Charts for life cycles of selected endo- parasites and ecto-parasites.
  • Demonstrates dipping and spraying.
  • Guide field trip to a livestock farm in their locality.
  • Uses concept map on animal health management to illustrate key concept and their relationships.

Student’s Activities

  • Students collect insects, ticks and lice for observation.
  • Draw and label one example from each group.
  • Draw the life cycle in their note books.
  • Record observations in their farm record books during field trip or visit to their school ranch or poultry.
  • Observe the illustrations.

Teaching &Learning Material    

  • School Ranch and poultry. Or visit to a livestock farm.
  • Concept map on animal health and management.

Evaluation Guide

  • Explain the meaning of diseases.
  • State the causal organisms of diseases.
  • State factors that could pre dispose animals to diseases.
  • Name some important diseases of livestock.
  • Give 3 examples of ecto and endo parasites.
  • Give four preventive measures of diseases
  • List 2 ways of controlling ecto parasites

Week 3



Performance objectives

  • Define aquaculture and name different types of aquaculture.
  • Explain the meaning of fish farming.
  • State importance of fish farming.
  • State the conditions necessary for siting a fish pond
  • Establish and maintain a fish pond.
  • State the basic laws and regulations on fishing.
  • Identify different fishing tools and their uses


  • Meaning of Aquaculture.
  • Different types of Aquaculture:
  • Fish farming.
  • shrimp farming
  • Crab farming etc.
  • Meaning of fish farming.
  • Importance of fish farming.
  • Conditions necessary for siting a fish pond: Adequate water supply, soil, vegetation etc.
  • Establishment and maintenance of fish pond.
  • Fishery regulations meaning and regulations like close season, catch quota, regular stocking etc.
  • Fishing Methods and tools.

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Maintains a fish pond where the students can learn the topic practically.
  • Assists the students at every stage of study.
  • Use concept map for class illustrations.

Student’s Activities

  • Visit to the school pond or excursion to a fish farm.
  • Participates in all the practices involves in maintaining a pond.
  • Keep records of all their observation.

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • School Fish pond or fish farm.
  • Concept map on fish production.

Evaluation Guide

  • Define
  • Aquaculture?
  • Explain fish farming
  • State conditions necessary for fish farming.
  • State the basic laws and regulations on fishing.
  • Briefly discuss how to establish a fish pond in a school farm.
  • List the maintenance methods for the fish pond.

Week 4


Apiculture or Bee Keeping

Performance objectives

  • State the meaning of apiculture.
  • List different types of bees.
  • State importance of bee keeping.
  • State various methods of bee keeping and their equipment.
  • State precautionary measures in bee keeping.
  • Prepare equipment for bee keeping and produce quality honey


  • Meaning of Apiculture or bee keeping
  • Types of bees;
    • Indigenous bees
    • Exotic bees
  • Importance of bee keeping:
    • Job/wealth creation
    • Bees and bee products are medicinal etc.
  • Methods of bee keeping:
  • Traditional method
  • Modern bee keeping.
  • Bee-keeping equipment i.e. Bee Hives, Hive tools like suits, smokers, jungle boots, brushes etc.
  • Precautionary measures in bee keeping:
  • Locate apiaries far from human dwellings
  • Put warning symbols near your apiary etc.

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Displays charts or pictures of bee in the class
  • Organisms Visit to bee farmers.
  • Displays bee equipment.
  • Keep bees within the school.

Student’s Activities

  • Participate in the activities.

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • Charts and pictures of bees.
  • Bee equipment.
  • Concept map on apiculture production.

Evaluation Guide

  • State the Meaning of Apiculture.
  • List different types of bee.
  • State importance of bee keepings.
  • State various methods of bee- keeping.
  • State 4 precautionary measures in bee keeping.
  • Prepare or assemble equipment and carry out bee keeping for quality honey production.
  • Prepare records of bee keeping activities.

NERDC Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Agriculture SS3. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS 3. –



Week 1


Agricultural Finance

Performance objectives

  • Define agricultural Finance.
  • State and discuss the importance of agricultural finance.
  • Determine sources of farm financing.
  • Discuss sources of farm financing.
  • Classify Credit.
  • Mention types of credit based on periods and sources of credits.
  • Mention problems faced by farmers in procuring agricultural credit.
  • List and discuss problems faced by institutions in granting loans to farmers.
  • List and discuss problems faced by farmers in procuring agricultural credits.
  • State the meaning of capital market.
  • List institutions that are involved in capital market.
  • State sources of fund for the capital market.
  • State the meaning of agri-business
  • List and define the roles of capital market in the development of agri-business.


  1. Meaning of agricultural finance.
  2. Importance of agricultural Finance.
  3. Sources of farm financing.
  4. Personal savings.
  5. Commercial banks, Cooperative societies.
  6. Government ( local, state and federal)
  7. -Non-Governmental Organizations, etc.

4. Classes of credit

a) Classification based on length of period (i.e. time period)

i.              short-term credit

ii.             Medium term credit Long term credit

b) Classification based on sources of credit. Institutional credit.

E.g. Banks, Cooperatives, Government, NGO’S.

ii. Non-institutional credit. E.g. personal savings, friends and relatives and money merchants.

c) Classification based on liquidity.

i.              Loan in cash

ii.             Loan in kind.

5              Problems faced by farmers in procuring agric-credit

a)            High interest rate

b)            Lack of or inadequate collateral, etc.

6              Problems faced by institutions in granting loans to farmers.

-Lack of farm records and accounts on the part of the farmers, etc.

7              a)            Meaning of capital market institutions that deals with medium and long term loans for agric-business)

b)            Institutions involved in the capital market.

-commercial Banks

-Mortgage Agric.

-Cooperative, and Rural development bank (NACRDB), etc.

c). Source of funds for the capital markets.


-Insurance companies

-Merchant banks.

-The stock exchange (sales & purchases of shares)

d) Roles of capital markets

-Funds for on-lending.

-Reduce over reliance on money market, etc     

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Guides Discussion
  • Guided Visit to Banks/Farm to inquire about their experiences (Field Survey.)
  • Discuss on the topics
  • Visit to NACRDB.
  • Use of concept map for illustrations.

Student’s Activities

  • Participation in Discussion.
  • Active participation in discussion.
  • Participation in Discussion
  • Discussion/Field Survey.
  • Observe the trends of illustration using concept map
  • Participate in the discussion.
  • Visit to NACRDB.

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • Resource persons to give finance houses in Agricultural development.
  • Guest lecture.
  • Visit to some banks and NGO’S involved in Agricultural lending.
  • Guest lectures
  • Visit to Banks/farms.
  • Concept map on capital market.
  • Guest lecture e.g. Banker or stock broker.
  • Pamphlets & flyers from capital market institutions.

Evaluation Guide

  • Define Agricultural Finance.
  • List and explain five importance of Agricultural finance in Agricultural Development.
  • List and explain five sources of farm financing.
  • Name two classes of credit.
  • Name five sources of credit.
  • Discuss any three.
  • Mention two problems militating against farmers in securing loans.
  • Mention two problems militating against Banks and Organizations in Granting loans to farmers.
  • Concept map on capital market.
  • Definition for capital market.
  • Give examples of two capital markets
  • List five sources of fund for the capital markets.
  • State two roles which the capital market can play in Agric- business

NERDC Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Agriculture SS3. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS 3. –

Week 2


Farm Records and Accounts

Performance objectives

  • State the importance of farm records and account.
  • State important types of farm records.
  • Develop a farm record.
  • To design important farm records.
  • State the meaning of farm accounts.
  • Draw up a farm account e.g. preparation of profit and loss account.


  • Importance of farm records.
  • Performance evaluation of farms.
  • Farm management decisions. Etc.
  • Types of farm records.
  • Inventory Records.
  • Production records
  • Income and Expenditure Records.
  • Supplementary or special records.
  • Design farm records.
  • Farm Accounts:
  • Expenditure Account (purchases account).
  • Income/sales Account.
  • Profit & Loss account.
  • Balance sheet.

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Class Discussion
  • Instruction on how to design farm records.

Student’s Activities

  • Illustrate the design of some farm records with the required materials.
  • Practice preparation of farm accounts i.e. Entries of Expenditures sales and other incomes into the various books of account.

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • Models of some farm records.
  • Balance sheets and income statement of some Organizations.

Evaluation Guide

  • Design some production records.
  • Prepare balance sheet for a farm

Week 3


Marketing of Agricultural Produce

Performance objectives

  • State the meaning and importance of agricultural marketing.
  • List the various marketing agents/channels.
  • State the advantages and disadvantages of various channels.
  • List the functions performed by marketing
  • Mention and list the types of crops that are commonly expected to other nations.
  • Rules that guide exportation of crops.
  • Importance of exports to agricultural development.


  • Meaning or importance of marketing.
  • Marketing agents e.g.
  • Retailers and wholesalers (middlemen)
  • Marketing Functions:
  • Assembling
  • Transportation
  • Processing, etc.
  • Marketing of export crops.
  • Export crops in Nigeria.
  • Cocoa, Cotton, Oil palm, Rubber etc.
  • Guidelines for Exporting crop in Nigeria.
  • Corporate Bodies, Cooperative societies and individuals engaged in exporting agricultural products e.g. ANCE- Association of Nigerian Cooperative Exporters. Etc.
  • Importance of exporting agricultural products
  • Foreign exchange earnings
  • Wealth creation for farmers, etc.
  • Problems of marketing agricultural products.
  • Inadequate road network
  • Inadequate processing and storage facilities, etc

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Illustrate using concept map.
  • Discussion and demonstration of some of the functions marketing agents.
  • Visit to an agricultural exporting company/cooperative society in your locality.
  • Identification of marketing problems in and around their locality.

Student’s Activities

  • Participate in some of the functions being demonstrated.
  • Visit to an agricultural exporting company/agencies/cooperative societies in your locality.
  • Comments on the existing marketing facilities in their locality and suggestion of solution to these problems.

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • Concept map of agricultural marketing
  • Guest lecture.
  • Export Guidelines for Agricultural products.
  • Guest Lecture
  • Visit to some selected markets and marketing boards if available.

Evaluation Guide

  • State the meaning of marketing
  • List the importance of marketing
  • List and explain five marketing functions performed by marketing agents.
  • Mention five crops that can be exported in Nigeria.
  • Mention two Guideline for exporting agricultural products.
  • Mention two corporate bodies engaged in export marketing.
  • List four importance of exporting agricultural products.
  • Mention two major problems of agric marketing in your locality

Week 4


Agricultural Insurance

Performance objectives

  • Define agricultural insurance.
  • Name types of insurance that can be taken by agricultural operations.


  • Meaning of Agricultural Insurance.
  • Importance of agricultural Insurance.
  • Types of insurance policies for agricultural production
  • Specific enterprise insurance e.g. crop insurance, livestock insurance,
  • Farm vehicle insurance.
  • Fire disaster insurance or machines and buildings.
  • Life assurance (farmers, farm workers and farmers household).
  • Insurance Premiums.
  • Problems of agricultural insurance uncertainties of weather
  • Losses Due to natural disasters

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Use concept map to illustrate relationships.
  • Discuss on the meaning importance and types of agricultural insurance with practical examples.

Student’s Activities

  • Observe illustrations on the importance and types of insurance

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • Concept map of agricultural insurance.
  • Guest Lecturer from an agricultural insurance House.

Evaluation Guide

  • Definition of agricultural insurance.
  • Mention types of insurance policies that can be taken for agriculture.

Week 5


Agricultural Extension

Performance objectives

  • State the meaning and importance of agricultural extension.
  • Describe various agricultural extension program in Nigeria.
  • State some methods of disseminating information to farmers.
  • List agricultural extension programs in Nigeria.
  • List problems faced by agricultural extension agents in Nigeria.


  • Agricultural extension as a teaching and learning process.
  • Agricultural extension program
  • Extension methods:
  • Individual contact methods
  • Group contact methods, etc.
  • Agricultural extension program in Nigeria, e.g. ADP, NDE, agro service centers, states ministries of agricultural and natural resources
  • Problem faced by agricultural extension in Nigeria e.g. illiteracy among framers.
  • Inadequate transport facilities. Etc.

Teacher’s Activities       

  • Display and demonstrate the various teaching aids used in extension e.g. charts, GSM, radio, TV, Flyers etc.
  • Field visits with extension agents to farmers if possible.

Student’s Activities

  • Observe the teaching aids, make comments on the teaching aids.
  • Field Visit.
  • Suggest how GSM Could be useful in knowledge dissemination.

Teaching &Learning Material                    

  • Charts, Radio, GSM, TV, projectors and flyers.
  • Concept map of agricultural extension.

Evaluation Guide

  • State the meaning of agricultural extension.
  • State the methods of disseminating information to farmers.
  • Mention five extension program in Nigeria.
  • Discuss any five problems facing agricultural extension in Nigeria.

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