NERDC Secondary School Curriculum SS2. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS 2. Farm survey –
Week 1
Plant Nutrient and Nutrient Cycle
Performance objectives
- List plant nutrient elements under the major classes.
- Recognize deficiency symptoms of different elements in crops.
- State the factors affecting nutrient availability in the soil
- Describe the different methods of replenishing lost nutrients.
- Illustrate the different nutrient cycle using diagrams i.e. Carbon, Nitrogen, water, and phosphorus cycles.
- Macro and micro nutrients: Their functions and deficiency symptoms in crops.
- Factors affecting availability of nutrients such as Ph, excess of other nutrients, leaching, etc.
- Methods of replenishing lost nutrients-crop rotation, organic manuring, etc.
- Nitrogen, Carbon, water and phosphorus cycle- Diagrams, processes and importance of each cycle organic Agriculture
- Meaning and importance.
Teacher’s Activities
- Assists the students to prepare water/sand culture to demonstrate deficiency of various elements in different crops.
- Prepares charts to shoe macro and micro nutrients.
- Charts for each nutrients cycle.
- Display different chemical fertilizers:
- Assist the students to prepare compost manure and farm yard manure.
Student’s Activities
- Application of chemical fertilizer to crops.
- Participates in preparing Organic manure.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Types of chemical fertilizers.
- School farm
- Materials for compositing site
- Compositing site
Evaluation Guide
- Mention two major classes of plant nutrients.
- List 5 examples from each class
- Mention two deficiency symptoms of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, etc.
- State factors affecting nutrient availability in the soil
- What is organic agriculture?
- Discuss the importance of organic agriculture.
Week 2
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of irrigation.
- State different method/ types of irrigation system.
- Describe each type with its advantages and disadvantages.
- List importance and problem of irrigation system.
- Meaning of irrigation system
- Types of irrigation systems.
- Description of each irrigation system.
- The advantages and disadvantages of each irrigation system.
- Importance/ advantages of irrigation system.
- 6 problems associated with irrigation.
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays pictures of fields being irrigated.
- Takes students to visit dams and I irrigation projects.
- Assists students to carry out some irrigation on the school farm using watering can and sprinklers.
- Displays chart to show types of irrigation system.
Student’s Activities
- Carry out some irrigation on individual plot.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Field trip to irrigation site
- School farm
Evaluation Guide
- Define the term irrigation.
- List/ mention two types of irrigation.
- Describe one of the irrigation system
- Mention four advantages of irrigation system.
- What are the problems associated with Irrigation system
Week 3
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of drainage.
- List the importance of drainage.
- List various types of drainage.
- Describe the various types with their advantages and disadvantages.
- Meaning of drainage
- Importance of drainage.
- types of drainage
- Description of the various types of drainage.
- Advantages and disadvantages of each.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher demonstrate the various drainage system on the waterlogged areas of the school farm
Student’s Activities
- Participates to demonstrate the various drainage system.
Teaching &Learning Material
- School farm
Evaluation Guide
- Define drainage
- List four importance of drainage.
- Name the types of drainage with their advantages and disadvantages.
Week 4
Agricultural Pollution
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of agricultural pollution.
- Identify pollutants or sources of agricultural land/ pond pollution.
- Discuss the effects of pollution on farmers and farming activities.
- Explain how pollution of land/pond can be minimized
- Meaning of agricultural pollution.
- Causes/sources of pollution of agricultural lands and fish ponds.
- Excessive application of agricultural chemicals.
- Marine and oil spillage.
- Livestock waste and dung Disposal, etc.
- Effects of land/pond pollution on farmers and agricultural productivity
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays some samples of pollutants
- Conduct students through some polluted lands/ponds in the locality.
Student’s Activities
- Observe pollutants and suggest their effects on the land or pond
Teaching &Learning Material
- Sample of pollutants.
- Polluted sites.
Evaluation Guide
- Define agricultural pollution.
- State 6 sources of land/ pond pollution.
- Explain the effects of the pollution on farming activities.
- Explain 4 ways to minimize land/pond pollution.
Week 1
Farm Surveying and Planning
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of farm survey.
- Recognize common simple survey equipment.
- To carry out simple maintenance practices on survey equipment.
- Meaning of farm surveying
- Common survey equipment.
- Uses of each equipment.
- Maintenance measures on farm survey equipment e.g.
- washing and drying
- Oiling and greasing
- Tightening screws and nuts, etc.
- Importance of farm surveying
- Meaning of farm stead.
- Importance of farm stead planning:
- Definition of the goal of farm business
- Planning on how to achieve the goal. Etc
Teacher’s Activities
- Display of common survey equipment.
- Guides Discussion on Displayed items
- Discuss/ display in groups the equipment items according to the type of maintenance needed.
Student’s Activities
- Observe displayed items.
- Discuss the uses of the equipment.
- Participate in the discussion on the maintenance and measures for survey equipment’s.
- Suggest what goes wrong as majority of local farmers do not survey their lands and do not have planning farmstead.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Simple Survey equipment e.g. Gunter’s chain, Ranging Pole; theodolite etc.
- Map of a farm land.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of farm survey.
- Give 10 examples of simple farm survey equipment.
- State five maintenance measures for survey equipment.
- State the meaning of farms stead.
- Mention five importance each for farm surveying and farm-stead planning.
Week 2
Farm Planning
Performance objectives
- Define farm planning
- State the factors considered in farm planning and the design
- List and explain the importance of farm planning.
- Meaning of farm planning
- Factors considered in farm planning and the design of a far, stead.
- Importance of farm planning.
Teacher’s Activities
- Use the map of a farm-land to explain the importance of farm and farm stead planning.
Student’s Activities
- Carry out the layout of the school farm
Teaching &Learning Material
- Map of a farm land.
Evaluation Guide
- Define farm planning.
- Mention five factors considered in farm planning.
Week 3
Principles of Farm Stead, Planning and Location of Buildings/Structures
Performance objectives
- Draw out a farm layout.
- Determine where to locate a farm stead and buildings.
- Principles of farm planning/layout. Consider the following:
- Farm stead siting:
- Soil condition.
- Water supply etc.
- Location of farm building e.g. pens, sheds, offices, workshops etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Display a model farmstead.
- Illustrate both the orientation and arrangements of buildings or structures in the model.
Student’s Activities
- Group work to develop different designs and farmstead models.
Teaching &Learning Material
- A diagram of model farmstead.
- A farm layout (field).
Evaluation Guide
- Sketch a farm layout.
- Discuss five principle for site selection and location of structure.
NERDC Secondary School Curriculum SS2. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS 2 –
Week 1
Forest Management
Performance objectives
- Define the meaning of forest and forestry.
- State the importance of forest and forestry.
- State forest regulations in Nigeria.
- State and discuss forest management practices in Nigeria.
- Meaning of forest and forestry.
- Importance of forestry.
- Forest regulation Forest management practices: selective exploitation regeneration afforestation water shed
- Implications of deforestation
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion.
Student’s Activities
- Guided discussion on forest management, regulations, and deforestation.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Local forest reserve.
- Guest Lectures
Evaluation Guide
- State five importance of forestry
- Enumerate the forest regulations in Nigeria
- What are the problems of deforestation?
Week 2
Agro-forestry Practices in Nigeria
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of agro – forestry.
- Discuss different agro-forestry combinations.
- Enumerate different tree species for inclusion in agro- forestry practices.
- Agro-forestry: Meaning and practices: Taungya system Different agro- forestry combinations in production of crops, livestock pasture etc.
- Tree species suitable for agro- forestry practices.
Teacher’s Activities
- Use examples of tree crops in the local community farms.
Student’s Activities
- Make a list of crops and trees growing together in their back yard farms to infer advantages of one over another
Teaching &Learning Material
- Local farms with crops and trees growing together.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of agro-forestry
- List 10 different tree species for inclusion in agro-forestry practices
Week 1
Meaning and Importance of Ornamental Plants
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of ornamental plants.
- Identify local ornamental plants.
- Discuss the importance of ornamental plants.
- Meaning of ornamental plants.
- Importance of ornamental plants.
- Screening and delineation
- Architectural beauty of buildings etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays a collection of ornamental plants found in the locality
Student’s Activities
- Observe ornamental plant and try to identify them
Teaching &Learning Material
- A collection of ornamental plants
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of ornamental plants.
- Discuss 8 importance ornamental plants.
Week 1
Settings and Locations for planting each type.
Performance objectives
- Identify locations or settings requiring ornamental plants
- Determine ornamental plant for each location.
- State common names and botanical names of the ornamental plants.
- Locations/settings and types of ornamental plants needed.
- Avenues
- In front of building etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Provide representative of ornamental plants for each setting or location.
- Guides discussions on their uses.
Student’s Activities
- Observe and touch the plants and suggest where or location each is suitable.
Teaching &Learning Material
- A collection of ornamental plants suitable for each setting or location.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify and describe location/ settings requiring ornamental plants.
- Discuss suitability of any 5 ornamental plants for one or two locations
Week 2
Method of cultivating ornamental plants.
Performance objectives
- Mention methods of propagating ornamental plants
- Discuss the importance of each method.
- Give examples of ornamental plants propagated through each method.
- Methods of propagation and planting of ornamental plants.
- by seed
- Raised in nurseries and transplanted
- Vegetative propagation.
- Cutting, Suckers, etc.
- Examples of ornamental plants propagated through each methods.
Teacher’s Activities
- Display a collection of ornamental plants.
- Discuss and classify according to propagation methods Field demonstration of the propagation methods.
- Arrange for student group activity.
Student’s Activities
- Close Observation of ornamental plants propagated through different methods.
- Carry out group activity on propagation.
Teaching &Learning Material
- A collection of representatives of ornamentals propagated by different methods
- Ornamental field site.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain propagation in relation to ornamental plants.
- Describe methods of propagating ornamental plants.
- Propagate five different kinds of ornamental plants.
Week 2
Common Types of Ornamental Plants each type
Performance objectives
- Mention ornamental plants used for different purposes.
- Identify ornamental plants belonging to each category.
- Various types of ornamental plants according to their uses e.g.
- Bedding plants (mostly flowering plants)
- hedging plants
- Lawn grasses, etc.
- Give examples of each types (common and botanical names)
Teacher’s Activities
- Display a representative collection of ornamental plants from each group.
- Guides Discussions on each group of plants.
Student’s Activities
- Observe and touch ornamental plants belonging to each group.
- Participate in the discussions.
Teaching &Learning Material
- A collection of ornamental plants from each category.
Evaluation Guide
- State five ornamental plants used for different purpose
- Identify and describe one ornamental plants from at least six groups.
Week 3
Maintenance of ornamental plants
Performance objectives
- List maintenance operations of ornamental plants.
- Discuss reasons for carrying out each operation.
- Carry out the operations in any established ornamental site.
- Maintenance operations/ Activities of ornamental plants:
- Watering
- mulching
- Pruning, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides discussion on maintenance activities.
- Displays materials and tools for maintenance operation e.g. watering can, mulch, pruning, tools etc.
Student’s Activities
- Observe the maintenance materials and tools.
- Suggest reasons for carrying out each operation.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Ornamental field site
- Maintenance materials and tools
Evaluation Guide
- What are the major maintenance operation of ornamental plants
- .Give the reasons for carrying out any four maintenance operations.
- Carry out maintenance activities in the field.
Week 1
Diseases of Crop
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of disease
- State the meaning of Disease.
- List the effects of disease on crop production
- Name the important disease of major crops.
- State the causal organism of each disease.
- State the preventive and control measures.
- Meaning of disease
- General effects of diseases on crop production
- Disease of major crop
- Cereals-smut, rice blast, etc.
- Legume- cercospora leaf spot, rosette, etc.
- Beverages- cocoa black pod, coffee leaf rust etc.
- Tuber- cassava mosaic, bacterial leaf blight, etc.
- Fruits – Citrus gummosis, die backs etc.
- Fiber- black arm (bacterial blight of cotton.
- Vegetable- root knot of tomato or okra etc.
- Stored produce- mould.
Teacher’s Activities
- Takes the students out for field observation and identification of different types of crop diseases, and moldy grain/ seeds in storage.
- Demonstrates the uses of chemicals to control crop diseases in the school crop diseases in school farm and how to operate sprayer during chemical application.
- Displays preserved diseased plant organs as teaching aids.
Student’s Activities
- Participate fully and record observation in record book.
- Participate and operate the sprayer with the assistance of the teacher
- Draw a sprayer in farm record booklet and label the parts.
- List the names of common chemicals in the locality and the type of disease they control
Teaching &Learning Material
- School farm
- Spraying equipment.
- Diseased plants.
- Common chemicals.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of diseases.
- Mention the general effects of diseases on crop production.
- State various crop diseases with their causal organisms.
- List and discuss the preventive and control measures.
Week 2
Pests of Crops
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of pests.
- Classify pests into insects and non-insects pests.
- Classify insects pests based on their mode of mouth parts.
- Discuss the important insect’s pests of major crops.
- Recognize and name the important storage insects pests of farm produce
- Describe the nature of damage of crops.
- Describe the biology of some of the selected crops.
- State and discuss the general control and preventive measures.
- State and discuss the possible side effects of the various preventive and control methods on man and the environment.
- Meaning of pests.
- Classification of pests.
- Insect pests.
- Non-insects pests.
- Classification of insect pests based on mouth parts with examples.
- Biting and chewing
- piercing an sucking
- Boring.
- Name and description of important insect pests of crops.
- Cereals, stem borer etc.
- Legume-pod borer, aphids, etc.
- Beverages-cocoa my rids (capsids), etc.
- Tuber-Yam beetle, cassava mealy bug, variegated grasshopper, etc.
- Fiber-cotton strainers, boil worms etc.
- Fruits and vegetables- grasshopper, leaf roller, and leaf beetle, scale insects.
- vii)Stored produce pests
- Grain weevils, bean beetle.
- Other important pests (Non-insect pests) e.g. birds, rodents, etc.
- Nature of damage to crops and economics importance of each selected pests.
- Broad outline of the biology of selected insect pests.
- Preventive and control measures. Cultural, Biological, Chemical methods. Quarantine method.
- Side effects of the various preventive and control methods:
- Chemical-pollution, poisoning.
- Biological- Misbalancing of ecosystem.
- Cultural method- Harmful effect of burning.
- Effects/economic importance of pests
Teacher’s Activities
- Displays pictures of various pests in locality.
- Supervise collections and preservation of various pests in the locality.
- Divides the students into groups to prepare insects chart or box that can be kept in the agricultural laboratory.
- Takes the students out to identify and describe insect’s damage to crops in the field and during storage.
- Displays immature forms of insect’s pests in the laboratory and on the field.
Student’s Activities
- Draw some of the insects pests and non- insects pests in farm record book.
- Collection of various pests in the locality.
- Groups work to prepare insect chart or box.
- Observe the features of displayed items.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Real specimens
- Pictures and diagrams of insects.
- Field work.
- School farm.
Evaluation Guide
- What are pests?
- Classify pests based on their mouth parts.
- Discuss five economic importance of insect pests.
- List the side effects of some preventive and control measures.
Week 3
Weeds and Weed Control
Performance objectives
- Define weeds;
- List various types of weeds with their botanical names.
- State the effects of weeds on crops and the economy.
- List the various features of weeds.
- Describe the various methods of controlling weeds.
- Meaning of weeds.
- Types of weeds; Common and botanical names.
- Effects of weeds on crops and the economy.
- Characteristics features of weeds.
- Methods of controlling weeds- cultural, biological, chemical, physical and mechanical methods.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the students on how to prepare weeds album.
- Displays Different types of herbicides and equipment for application
- Demonstrates application of herbicide on the farm.
Student’s Activities
- Prepare weeds album on group basis.
- Carry out weeding on their individual plot in the school farm.
- Observe the effect of herbicide applied on the farm.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Different types of weeds.
- School farm.
- Different types of herbicides.
Evaluation Guide
- Define weed.
- List 5 Different types of weeds with their botanical names.
- State the effects of weeds on a) Crops. b)Economy
- List the various methods of controlling weeds.
Week 1
Types and Classification of Farm Animals
Performance objectives
- List the different types of farm animals.
- Classify farm animals according to:
- Habitat Uses.
- Types of farm animals e.g. Cow, Goat, Fowl, Sheep Rabbit, Fish, Etc.
- Classification of a farm animals according to:
- Habitat- terrestrial and aquatic uses-Food, production, pet, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class Discussion.
- Guides students to identify these farm animals
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the class discussion.
- Guides students to identify these farm animals.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Pictures of farm animals
- Charts, showing classification of farm animals, livestock pen.
Evaluation Guide
- State what farm animals are
- List 5 types of farm animals.
- Classify farm animals according to habitat and uses.
Week 2
Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
Performance objectives
- Draw and label parts of farm animals.
- Dissect a farm animal
- Identify important organs like heart, livers, lungs etc.
- Sketch these parts and mention their functions.
- Parts of farm animal e.g. fowl, goat or cow, fish etc.
- Organs of farm animals like heart, liver, lungs etc.
- Digestive system; Circulatory system; Respiratory system.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides students during practical.
- Participate in the class discussion.
- Guides students to identify these farm animals.
Student’s Activities
- Draw and label parts of farm animal carefully.
- Dissect a farm animal.
- Identify important organs and mention their functions.
- Sketch the organs
Teaching &Learning Material
- Pencils and erasers.
- Drawing sheets dissecting set,
- Illustrative charts,
- Life specimens.
Evaluation Guide
- Draw and label parts of farm animals.
- List 5 important internal organs of farm animal and state their functions.
Week 3
Animal Reproduction
Performance objectives
- Explain the role of sex hormones in reproduction.
- Draw and label the parts of the male and female reproductive system.
- Explain the process of reproduction in mammals and poultry.
- Describe process of egg formation.
- Meaning of reproduction.
- Roles of hormones in reproduction of animals.
- Reproductive systems of animals, mammals and poultry.
- Processes of reproduction in animals ( mammals and poultry)
- Egg formation in poultry.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
- Display Diagrams of reproductive system of mammals and of birds.
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in class discussion.
- Follow the illustrations in the diagrams.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Charts and pictures of reproductive system in mammals and poultry.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the role of sex hormones in reproduction of animals.
- Draw and label the male reproductive system of a mammal.
- Briefly explain the processes of reproduction in mammals.
- Describe the processes of egg formation.
Week 4
Environmental Physiology
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of environmental physiology.
- State the effects of changes in: Climate on growth, reproduction, egg production, etc.
- Temperature- control of heat/temperature Relative humidity- control of humidity.
- Light-control of light.
- Meaning of environmental physiology.
- Effects of changes in climate such as:
a) Temperature.
b) Relative humidity.
c) Light on;
– Growth
– Reproduction
– Milk production
– Egg production etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in class discussion.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Diagrams and pictures of healthy animals and sick animals.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning or environmental physiology.
- What are the effects of changes in climate on;
- Growth.
- Reproduction,
- Milk production and
- Egg production in farm animals.
Week 5
Livestock Management
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of livestock management
- State the requirement for good livestock management.
- Explain the importance of these management practices to livestock.
- Keep farm animals and take care of them (at least one ruminant and one one-ruminant).
- Meaning of livestock management.
- Requirement for livestock management.
- Diseases control
- Housing
- Feeding
- Hygiene etc. (Poultry, ruminant and non-ruminant.
- Importance of these management practices.
- Livestock production project.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
- Guides students in practical during keeping of animals in the school.
- Provide necessary inputs for the practical project.
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in the class discussion.
- Practice work of rearing animals in the school.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Life animals like rabbits, goat, poultry etc.
- Materials needed for raring like housing, feeders, drinkers, feeds etc.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of livestock management.
- What are the requirement for management?
- Explain the importance of each of these requirement.
- Raises a selected animals from stock selection to finishing.
- Present record of management practice.
Week 6
Animal Nutrition
Performance objectives
- Classify feeds
- Mention sources and functions of food nutrients.
- State the different types of rations/diet and their uses.
- state causes and symptoms of malnutrition and their correction in farm animals
- Meaning of animal nutrition.
- Classification of feeds
- Basal/energy feeds or carbohydrate.
- Protein concentrate.
- Mineral/Vitamins supplements
- Roughages
- Sources and functions of food nutrients
- Types of ration/ diet and their uses.
- Components of a balanced diet,
- Causes and symptoms of malnutrition and their correction in farm animals.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion
- Display of feeds and items from different categories of nutrients
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in class discussion.
- Explain feeds to the class.
- Classify feeds brought into the class.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Charts and diagram of classes of feeds, different food types.
- Samples of feed specimen representing different feed types and nutrients.
Evaluation Guide
- State the different classes of feed.
- Mention 2 examples of fee for each class.
- What is ration?
- List 3 types of rations you know and briefly explain my two.
- What a malnutrition?
- State 4 symptoms of malnutrition in animals.
- Explain how malnutrition can be corrected.
Week 7
Range land Management
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of range land.
- List the importance of range land.
- State the characteristics of range land.
- Mention some common grasses of livestock range
Meaning and importance of range land/pastures to livestock.
Characteristics of range land.
- Contains high quality grasses and legumes, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion
- Guides the students during visit to range land.
- Display of chart and pictures of range land.
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in class discussion.
- Students to visit a nearby range land
Teaching &Learning Material
- Charts and pictures of range land
- Different types of crops found on range land.
- Range land site in the locality.
Evaluation Guide
- Define range land.
- List 5 Importance of range land.
- State the characteristics of range land.
- Mention some common crops found in range land.
- Mention some factors affecting production of herbage in range land.
- Briefly explain methods of range land and pasture improvement.
NERDC Secondary School Curriculum SS2. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS 2 –
Week 1
Basic Economic Principles
Performance objectives
- List the basic economic principles.
- Discuss the basic economic principles.
- scarcity
- choice
- scale of preference
- Law of diminishing returns.
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion and demonstration.
Student’s Activities
- Draw examples from real life situations.
Evaluation Guide
- List basic economic principles.
- Explain the law of diminishing returns.
Week 2
Factors of Production
Performance objectives
- Define factors of production.
- Mention examples of factors of production.
- Discuss each factor of production
- Factors of production Land
- Capital
- Labour
- Characteristics and classification.
- Management or entrepreneur.
Teacher’s Activities
- Use chart to illustrate the factors of production classification.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in discussion
Teaching &Learning Material
- Farm land, farm buildings and equipment etc.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention factors of production.
- Discuss the importance of land in agricultural production.
Week 3
Principles of Demand
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of demand.
- State the law of demand.
- List the factors that affect the demand for agricultural goods and services
- Differentiate between the factors that shift the demand curve and movements along the demand curve.
- Definition of demand.
- Law of demand
- Factors affecting demand.
- Movements along the demand curve.
- Shifts in the demand curve.
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion
- Display diagram of demand curve.
Student’s Activities
- Actively participate in the discussion.
- Interpret the movements along demand curve from the diagram.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Charts and diagrams.
Evaluation Guide
- Define demand.
- State the factors that affect demand.
- Differentiate between shifts in the demand curve and movement along the demand curve.
Week 4
Principles of Supply
Performance objectives
- State the law of supply.
- List the factors that affect supply; Movements along the supply curve and the shift variables.
- Definition of supply
- Law of supply.
- Movement along supply Curve.
- Shift in the supply Curve.
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion.
- Use supply Curve chart to explain.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the discussion.
- Interpret the supply curve.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Charts
Evaluation Guide
- Define supply.
- State factors affecting supply
Week 5
Implication of Demand and Supply for Agricultural Production
Performance objectives
- To discuss the meaning of price support.
- Explain the meaning of price stabilization & control
- Indicate what a subsidy programme is all about.
- Price support
- Price control
- Subsidy programme and their effects on agricultural production.
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion by drawing examples from real life situations e.g. buffer stock, grain release by government.
Student’s Activities
- Active participation in the discussion.
- Raise questions on issues of effect of subsidy withdrawal on agricultural production.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain what is meant by Price support
- Price control
- Subsidy programme.
- Discuss the effects of subsidy withdrawals by government.
Week 6
Functions of Farm Manager
Performance objectives
- Explain meaning of farm manager.
- State the functions of a farm manager.
- Meaning of farm manager.
- Function of a farm manager.
- planning
- Coordinating, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion
- Use concept map to outline the functions of farm manager and relationship in the detailed activities.
Student’s Activities
- Act the roles of a farm manager in a short play.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Concept map
- Role play by students.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain meaning of a farm manager.
- State five function of farm manager.
Week 7
Problems Faced by Farm Managers
Performance objectives
- State the problems that farm managers face in the production process.
- Problems of farm managers.
- Inadequate farm
- Inadequate information about sources of inputs.
- Government Policy. Etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Discussion and exposition.
Student’s Activities
- Participation in Discussion.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Concept map
Evaluation Guide
- List five problems faced by farm managers.
- Discuss any three of the problems as they affect farm manager’s productivity.