NERDC Senior Secondary School Curriculum. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS1. Rock formation –
Week 1
Meaning and Importance of Agriculture
Performance objectives
- Define Agricultural science.
- State the importance of agricultural science to individual, community and the nation
- Definition and branches of Agricultural science
- Importance of Agricultural science to individual, community and nation
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the discussion
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the discussion on meaning and roles of agricultural science
Teaching &Learning Material
- Illustrative charts
Evaluation Guide
- define Agricultural science
- state 5 importance of agricultural the Nigerian economy
Week 2
Problems of Agricultural development and possible Solutions
Performance objectives
- Identify and discuss various problems of agricultural development in Nigeria.
- State possible solution to the identified problems.
- Problems related to Land tenure, Basic amenities, finance, transportation, storage and processing facility, agricultural education and extension; tools and machinery, farm inputs, marketing system, environmental degradations etc
- Possible solutions to identified problems.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides the discussion
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the discussion.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Illustrative Charts.
Evaluation Guide
- State 10 problems of agricultural development in Nigeria.
- Discuss at least 8 of the stated problems.
- Suggest possible solution to the Problems
Week 3
Meaning and differences between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of. Subsistence and commercial Agriculture
- Enumerate characteristics of subsistence and commercial Agricultural for comparison.
- Meaning of subsistence and commercial Agriculture.
- Differences between subsistence and commercial agriculture based on their characteristics.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of subsistence and commercial Agriculture.
- problems of subsistence and commercial Agriculture
Teacher’s Activities
- Discuss the meaning and differences between subsistence and commercial Agriculture.
- state the advantages and disadvantages of subsistence and commercial Agriculture
- List the problems of subsistence and commercial Agriculture.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the discussion.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Visit to commercial farms and small holder farms in the locality.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of subsistence and commercial Agriculture.
- Highlight the differences between the two
NERDC Senior Secondary School Curriculum. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS1 –
Week 1
Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Ecology
Performance objectives
- Define agricultural ecology and ecosystem.
- State four components of farm ecosystem.
- Discuss how farm crops/animals interact with other organisms and non-living things under different farm settings.
- Meaning of Agricultural ecology and ecosystem.
- Components of farm ecosystem e.g. biotic, a biotic, autotrophism and heterotrophism.
- Interactions of the components in the terrestrial and acquatic agro- ecosystem.
- mono or sole cropping system
- mixed cropping system
- Mixed farming system.
- fish ponds
- forest ( rain forest or savanna)
Teacher’s Activities
- Takes students out to a natural farm settings.
- explain the key concepts
- Guides discussions on the relationships between organisms of interest (plant/animals and other organisms or Non-organisms).
- Group students for out of class study of different farm settings.
Student’s Activities
- Listen and interact with the Environment.
- Undertake group work and produce reports.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Nature farm settings, ponds, forest set up
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of agricultural ecology and ecosystem.
- What are the components of a farm ecosystem
- Identify at least three farm settings and discuss how farm crop/animals interact with other components of the ecosystem
Week 5
Environmental Factors affecting Agricultural production
Performance objectives
- State the environmental factors that affecting agricultural productivity.
- Explain inter- relationships among living things.
- Environmental factors affecting crops and animal distribution and production:
- Climatic factors e.g. rainfall, temperature, light, wind etc.
- Biotic factors e.g. predators, parasites, soil micro-organisms, etc. interrelationship such as competition, parasitism, mutualism (symbiosis) etc.
- Edaphic factors: Soil pH, soil texture, soil structure, soil type, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
- Guides the students in practical activity.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the class discussion.
- Grow plants under different conditions of moisture and light for comparison purpose.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Charts and diagrams showing ectoparasite and endoparasite.
- *real organisms of ecto and endoparasites.
Evaluation Guide
- State 3 major environmental factors affecting agricultural production in Nigeria.
- Discuss 4 climatic factors that affect Agricultural production
Week 6
Rock Formation
Performance objectives
- Describe processes of rock formation
- Identify types of rocks.
- Processes Rock Formations.
- Types of rock
- .igneous
- .sedimentary
- Metamorphic.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class on discussion on identification of rocks.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in class discussion.
- Observe and identify different types of rock.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Laboratory
- Charts and pictures of different types of rock.
- Field trips to rocky areas.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention different types of rock
- Describe the processes of the rock formation.
Week 7
Soil Formation and Profile development
Performance objectives
- List factors of soil formation
- Make a sketch of a soil profile.
- Discuss the basic principles of soil classification.
- Factors of soil formation (the parent rock, organisms, climate, topography and time.)
- Outline of soil formation process .e.g. weathering process;
- Soil profile development.
Teacher’s Activities
- Display soil profile diagram, conduct students to existing soil profile
Student’s Activities
- 1 Examine soil and soil profile.
Teaching &Learning Material
- 1 Diagram of soil profile, Dug or existing soil profile.
Evaluation Guide
- State factors of soil formation
- Draw and label a typical soil profile
- State principles of soil classification.
Week 8
Types, composition and properties of soil
Performance objectives
- Recongnise the different types of soil.
- `Name the chemical elements in the soil that constitute plant nutrients.
- Name soil microbes and other soil inhabiting organisms.
- Determine the pH of different soil types.
- Types of soil
- chemical and biological composition of soil
- soil macro and micro nutrients
- soil water
- macro organisms
- soil microbes
- soil air
- soil pH
- Physical properties of soil
- soil texture
- soil structure
- Soil classification systems.
Teacher’s Activities
- Display soil samples e.g. loamy, sandy, clay.
- Conduct laboratory experiments to determine water, living organisms and air composition of the soil.
- Conduct pH tests.
Student’s Activities
- Examine the soil sample and determine their physical characteristics.
- Carry out laboratory experiments as directed.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Soil sample Soil organisms
- PH meter litmus paper.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention types of soil
- State major composition of soil
- conduct laboratory experiment to determine any one of each
- Discuss biological and chemical properties of soil
- How will you determine physical properties of soil e.g. soil texture, soil structure, soil air, etc?
- Determine Ph of any two soil types.
NERDC Senior Secondary School Curriculum. Agricultural Science Curriculum for SSS1 –
Week 1
Simple farm Tools, uses and Maintenance
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of simple farm tools.
- Identify various types of simple farm tools and accessory tools
- State their uses.
- State general maintenance of simple farm tools.
- Meaning of simple farm tool
- Types of simple farm tools- cutlass, hoe, spade, shovel etc.
- Identification and description of each of the tools.
- Identification of various accessory tools and their uses.
- General maintenance of simple farm tools
Teacher’s Activities
- Display different types of simple farm tools and accessory tools
- Discuss simple farm tools with regard to: Identification, description and state uses of each.
Student’s Activities
- Identify the various simple farm tools and their uses.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Different types of farm tools.
- Local tool fabrication workshops.
Evaluation Guide
- Identify 10 farm tools
- State uses of some farm tools
- Outline the maintenance practices.
Week 2
Farm Machinery and Implements
Performance objectives
- Recognize the different types of farm machines
- List and explain the uses of the different types of farm machines.
- Name the major parts of tractor coupled implements and their functions.
- Farm machinery
- Tractor
- Bull dozer
- Sheller’s
- Dryers
- Incubators
- Milking machines etc.
- Tractor- coupled implements:
- Ploughs, harrows, ridgers, planters, harvesters, sprayers etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Visit to agro service centers with students or mechanized farms to:
- Identify farm machines
- Discuss the uses of the farm machines.
Student’s Activities
- Identification of farm machines and equipment.
- Active participation in the discussions.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Farm machines and equipment in an agro service center.
Evaluation Guide
- Mention five farm machines.
- Mention five farm implements.
- Discuss the functions of any three tractors- coupled implements.
Week 3
Maintenance Practices and Precautionary Measures
Performance objectives
- State reasons why farm machines should be maintained.
- Practice maintenance work on the farm machines.
- Reasons for maintaining farm machines.
- Maintenance of farm machinery
- Check water and oil levels regularly
- Carry out routine service
- Keep the machines clean etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
- Involves students on maintenance practices and supervise them.
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in class discussion.
- Carry out maintenance practices on farm machines available in the school.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Functional and non-functional machines.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain 5 way to maintain farm machines.
- State 4 reasons why farm machines should be maintained.
Week 4
Problems of Agriculture mechanization
Performance objectives
- State the meaning of agricultural mechanization.
- List advantages and disadvantages of agricultural mechanization.
- State limitations of agricultural mechanization.
- Meaning of agricultural mechanization.
- Mechanized agricultural operations.
- Advantages of agricultural mechanization e.g. increased productivity, reduced drudgery, timeliness of operations etc.
- Disadvantages of agricultural mechanization e.g. displacement of workers, destruction of soil structure, environmental pollution, etc.
- Limitations of farm mechanization, economic limitations, and technical know-how, etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
- Guides students during visit to mechanized farms or agro service centers.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the class discussion.
- Visit to mechanized farms or agro service centers
- Observe the uses of farm powers and machinery.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Mechanized farm sites, agro-service centers; charts, pictures showing these machines.
Evaluation Guide
- State the meaning of farm mechanization.
- List 4 advantages of farm mechanization
- List 4 disadvantages of farm mechanization.
Week 5
Prospects of Agriculture Mechanization
Performance objectives
- Identify possible ways of improving agriculture through mechanization.
- Possible ways of improving agricultural mechanization:
- Developing less Expensive machines.
- Establishing agricultural engineering school for personnel and fabricate simple machines etc.
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion.
- Invite a guest lecturer.
Student’s Activities
- Participate in the class activity discussion.
- Listen attentively to guest lecturer and ask question
Teaching &Learning Material
- Instructional resource Guest lecturer.
Evaluation Guide
- State three possible ways of improving agriculture through mechanization
Week 6
Sources of Farm Power
Performance objectives
- List the different source of farm power.
- State the advantages and disadvantages of each types.
- Source of farm power:
- Human, animal, Mechanical, electrical, solar, wind, water.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of each types
Teacher’s Activities
- Guides class discussion
Student’s Activities
- Participate actively in the class discussion.
- Visit to nearby farms.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Pictures and charts of the sources.
- Nearby farms to identify sources of power.
Evaluation Guide
- List 5 sources of farm power.
- State the advantages and disadvantages of the listed sources of farm power.
Week 1
Classification of Crops
Performance objectives
- Classify crop based on
- Uses
- Life cycle
- Morphology
- Classification of crops based on their uses: Cereals, Pulses, Roots and tubers, Vegetables
- Classification based on their life cycle: Annual, Biennial, perennial, Ephemeral.
- Classification based on their Morphology: Monocotyledon and dicotyledonous crops.
Teacher’s Activities
- Display of a collection of crop seeds, fruits or leaves.
Student’s Activities
- Observe and note the differences and group that each belongs.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Crops seed, Fruits and Leaves
Evaluation Guide
- Identify and classify crops based on uses, lifecycle and Morphology.
Week 2
Husbandry of Selected Crops
Performance objectives
- State major crop husbandry practices.
- Grow at least one representative crop from each of the following group: a)Cereals b)Pulses(grain legumes) c)Roots and tubers d)Vegetables and fruits, e)Beverages and spices F)oil, Latex and fiber
- Botanical name and local/ common names of the crop.
- Varieties/ types
- Climatic and soil requirement.
- Land preparation
- Method of propagation, planting date, seed rate spacing, sowing depth and nursery requirement.
- Cultural practices, supplying, thinning, manuring and fertilizer application.
- Weeding, Pests and Diseases.
- Harvesting processing and storage of the selected crops.
Teacher’s Activities
- Supervise cultivation of crops suited to local environment.
Student’s Activities
- Supervise cultivation of crops suited to local environment.
Teaching &Learning Material
- School farm
- Farm inputs
Evaluation Guide
- List major husbandry practices
- Carry out approved husbandry practices leading to the production of at least one representative from each crop groups.
- Prepare and present records of farm activities involved in growing chosen crops.
Week 3
Pasture and Forage Crops
Performance objectives
- Explain the meaning of pasture and forage crops.
- State uses of forage crops
- List types of pasture and characteristics of each type.
- Identify the main pasture grasses and legume species in Nigeria.
- Identify the factors affecting their distribution, establishment and management.
- Meaning of pasture and forage crops
- Uses of forage crops.
- Types of pasture:
- Natural pasture.
- Artificial pasture and their characteristics.
- Common grasses and legumes used for grazing livestock: their botanical names and characteristics of some of them.
- Factors affecting the distribution and productivity of pasture.
- Establishment of pasture.
- Management practices of pasture.
Teacher’s Activities
- Teacher supervises the students to prepare forage crop album
Student’s Activities
- Preparation of forage crop album as group work.
Teaching &Learning Material
- Visit to livestock farm.
- Samples of forage crops
- Grasses
- Legumes.
Evaluation Guide
- Explain the meaning of forage crops
- State 5 uses of forage crops
- List 5 examples of pasture grasses and legumes.