Agricultural Science Curriculum for Primary 5

11 Min Read
Agricultural Science Curriculum

NERDC Year 5 PVS Agricultural Science Curriculum for Primary 5. How to Grow Crops, Farm animal, Pests and Diseases –


Week 1

Topic:    How to Grow Crops

Performance objectives

  1. Give examples of crops.
  2. Narrate and demonstrate the processes involved in raising crops.
  3. Raise seedlings of some vegetables and flowers in the nursery.
  4. Transplant seedlings from nursery to the field.
  5. Identify safety signs, labels and symbols on agricultural inputs


  1. Examples of crops: cereals, legumes, tubers.
  2. Procedure for raising farm crops:

A). Pre-planting activities:

  1. Land clearing and stumping,
    1. Preparing nursery beds and sowing.
    1. Selection and transplanting seedlings,
    1. Planting locally grown crops on ridges and beds in the school farm.

B). Post planting activities:

  • Watering, mulching, thinning and supplying,
    • Application of fertilizer/manure.
    • weeding,
    • staking (where applicable),
    • Application of pesticides,
    • Harvesting of mature crops.
  • Post-Harvesting Activities:
    • processing/ preservation,
    • Storage,
    • Marketing
  • Safety signs, symbols, labels e.g.:
    • Skull and crossbones
    • Chemical warning labels
    • Treated  seeds
    • Vet nary drugs
    • Implement etc

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Guides pupils to raise either a cereal or legume or tuber crops during the growing season.
  2. Supplies appropriate tools and planting materials.
  3. Takes pupils to the school farm and maps out the area to use for the year.
  4. Allows pupils to prepare land themselves.
  5. Guides pupils in identifying and explaining safety signs, labels and symbols on agricultural inputs before and during planting, harvesting activities, including safe handling of treated seeds, veterinary drugs, Implement etc
  6. Give a board summary

Student’s Activities

  1. Bring the required farm tools from home.
  2. Prepare the land for planting.
  3. Plant seeds in the nursery and transplant to the field.
  4. Care for the farm themselves.
  5. Carry out planting activities as directed by the teacher.
  6. Pupils keep farm records
  7. Copy board summary

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. School farm.
  2. Farm tools, e.g. tape, machetes, hoes, spades, pegs, digging fork, hand trowel, knapsack sprayer, etc
  3. Planting materials and inputs. Such as. Seeds of vegetables e.g. pepper, okra garden egg, onions, fluted pumpkin, tomato, rice, maize, millet, guinea corn, potato & yam sets, cassava cuttings.
  4. Fertilizer/ manure pesticides.
  5. Charts of safety signs and symbols.
  6. Samples of labels.

Evaluation Guide

  1. List three crops grown in your area.
  2. State the various activities involved in growing a named field crop.
  3. Grow any field crop from land clearing to marketing.
  4. Demonstrate how to transplant seedlings.
  5. Care and maintain the school farm.
  6. Harvest crops when mature.
  7. Keep records of farm activities performed
  8. Explain 2 safety signs or symbols on agricultural inputs.
  9. Bring 2 labels on agricultural inputs.

Week 2

Topic: Control of Crop Weeds, Pests and Diseases

Performance objectives

  1. Define weeds and name some common local weeds.
  2. State the problem of weeds to farmers.
  3. Control weeds in the farm.
  4. Define and identify common pests on our farm.
  5. Describe the damages caused by pests.
  6. State ways of controlling pests.
  7. List the causes of plant diseases.
  8. State how the diseases can be controlled.
  9. State the effects of eating contaminated food.


  1. Definition and identification of weeds.
  2. Problems of weeds to farmers.
  3. Control measures:
    • Biological
    • Cultural
    • Chemical
  4. Pests:
    • Meaning, and Identification
    • Identification of insect’s pests,
    • Beetle/weevil,
    • Grasshopper/locust,
    • Caterpillar,
    • Termite.
  5. c). other pests on:
    • Rodents,
    • Qualia birds,
    • Bats,
    • Monkeys.
  6. Damages caused by pests:
    • eat crop leaves &
    • Roots
    • destroy grains,
    • damaging stalk, fruits and roots of crops
    • Contaminating stored produce.
  7. Methods of control:
    • Spraying chemicals to kill them.
    • Storing farm produce properly
    • Clearing surrounding bushes
    • Shooting, trapping
    • Scare-crow
    • baiting
    • Proper storage
  8. Causal agents of crop diseases:
    • Fungi, bacteria, viruses,
    • -nematodes.
  9. Control measures
    • keeping farm free of weeds
    • planting healthy seeds, seedlings and cuttings
  10. Effects of eating contaminated food:
    • poisoning
    • Sickness
    • Purging
    • Vomiting
    • Stomach disorder
    • Death

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Guides pupils to define and identify common weeds on the environment.
  2. Discusses problems created by weeds on farms.
  3. Discusses control measures and their side effects.
  4. Displays and identifies samples of:
    • Fresh or preserved pest.
    • Partly eaten/damaged vegetable leaves
    • Weevil led maize, beans guinea corn.
  5. Displays charts and posters of rodents, birds, squirrels, grass- cutters, rats.         
  6. Discusses how to prevent or avoid eating contaminated food.
  7. Guides pupils to identify some of the common pests.
  8. Helps the pupils to identify crop materials that are contaminated.
  9. Give a board summary

Student’s Activities

  1. Make a weed album
  2. Observe and identity pests
  3. Observe and describe the damages done to crops by pests.
  4. Participate in collection of common pests.
  5. Find out more about possible side effects of eating contaminated produce.
  6. Teaching & Learning Material    
  7. Samples of weeds common in the locality.
  8. Charts and pictures showing control measures.
  9. Fresh or preserved specimens of pests.
  10. Specimen of maize, bean, guinea corn seeds infested by weevil, beetle or termite.
  11. Chart showing local farm pests.
  12. Insect-killing chemicals with warnings of poison clearly written.
  13. Chart showing storage facilities.
  14. Charts and posters of squirrels, rats, grass cutter, birds, crabs, etc.
  15. Specimen of catapult, trap, plastic container, air tight cover.

Evaluation Guide

  1. State the meaning of weeds.
  2. Name three common weeds in the locality.
  3. List two problems of weeds to farmers.
  4. Mention three control measures.
  5. State the meaning of farm pests.
  6. Name five pests in the locality.
  7. Identify two damages caused by pests.
  8. List three control measures of pests.
  9. List three causal agents of crop diseases.
  10. Describe two methods of controlling diseases of crops.
  11. State two effects of contaminated crop materials on health.

NERDC Year 5 PVS Agricultural Science Curriculum for Primary 5. How to Grow Crops, Farm animal, Pests and Diseases –

Week 3

Topic: Rearing of Farm Animal

Performance objectives

  1. State the needs of young animals for healthy growth.
  2. Mention steps involved in raising livestock.
  3. Describe how to raise a named farm animal.
  4. Identify and select appropriate housing and equipment for rearing:
    • Rabbits
    • Guinea pigs
    • Chicken
  5. Feed the livestock with the appropriate rations.
  6. Produce hutches, cages, brooder boxes for livestock.
  7. Keep the house/cages clean and keep proper farm records.
  8. Identify common pests and parasites of farm animals.
  9. State the symptoms of ill- health in farm animals.
  10. Name some common diseases and remedy.
  11. State the effects of consuming infected animals.


  1. Needs of growing farm animals:
    • Balanced ration
    • Clean water
    • Adequate
    • Medication
    • Clean environment.
  2. Procedures for rearing farm animals:
    • construct a house or
    • provide shelter
    • provide necessary rearing equipment
    • buy the young animal
    • To rear.
    • provide feed and
    • Water daily
    • provide medications
    • When necessary
    • clean the house
    • Regularly
    • Routine check by
    • Veterinary personnel
    • Removal of sick or
    • Dead animals.
    • Sell or slaughter when matured.
  3. Rearing of named animals
    • Rabbit rearing.
    • Rearing of guinea pig.
    • Identical management practice with Rabbit except that guinea pigs are reared in cages or deep litter.
    • Rearing of chicken
  4. Meaning of pests and parasites.
  5. Common pests and parasites of farm animals:
    • Lice,
    • Housefly,
    • Worms,
    • Ticks,
    • Tsetse fly etc.
  6. Common diseases of farm animals:-
    • Ring worm,
    • Scabies,
    • Sleeping sickness,
    • Pneumonia,
    • Tuberculosis,
    • New castle disease,
    • Foot and mouth, diseases etc.
  7. The diseases, symptoms and remedy.
  8. Effects of consuming infected animal:
    • Transfer of animal diseases to human, etc.

Teacher’s Activities        

  1. Discusses the needs of animals for healthy growth.
  2. Guides the Pupils to rear any livestock and apply all the necessary skills.
  3. Assists Pupils to select quality young animal’s e.g. young rabbit/young guinea pig, chicks for rearing.
  4. Guides pupils to construct hutches.
  5. Encourages Pupils to practice good sanitation and keep proper farm records.
  6. Guides Pupils to identify sick animals, isolate them and invite a veterinary Doctor
  7. Discusses these pests and guide the Pupils to collect some common pests and parasites.
  8. Highlights animal diseases that are contagious and the danger of eating infected animal meat, milk, egg, etc.
  9. Guides discussion on how to control animal pests, parasite and diseases.
  10. Give a board summary.

Student’s Activities

  1. Care for young animals by feeding, cleaning, providing water, beddings, etc.
  2. Working in groups to care for the animals and apply necessary skills and procedures.
  3. Observe and note the qualities of a healthy animal.
  4. Collect different feed stuffs and feed the animal.
  5. Clean the livestock area.
  6. Keep records of daily activities.
  7. Collect materials to construct hutches and cages.
  8. Identify sick animals, isolate them and call a veterinary doctor.
  9. Sell, cull, matured or sick animals.
  10. Collect common pests and parasites and identify them.
  11. Discuss the dangers of consuming infected animal products e.g. meat, milk, egg, etc.

Teaching & Learning Material  

  1. School farm.
  2. Balanced ration feed
  3. Water
  4. Medications
  5. Animals to rear.
  6. Shelter, etc.
  7. Samples of pests/parasite
  8. Posters of sick animals.
  9. Chalkboard or white board

Evaluation Guide

  1. List four necessary management practices required in rearing animals.
  2. Describe how to raise an animal farm to maturity.
  3. Construct good hutches and cages.
  4. Keep proper farm records.
  5. Identify two features of sick animal.
  6. List three ways of controlling pests and diseases of farm animals.
  7. Narrate the effects of consuming infested animal products.


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