NERDC National Early Childhood Education Curriculum for Affective and Psychosocial Development Ages 0-5 years
Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (0 – 3 Years)
Week 1
Topic: Social/ Moral development
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- Encourage interaction between child and other people.
- Respond to the child’s social behaviors like crying, smiling, cooing, waving.
- Provide a stimulating peaceful social environment
- Reinforce positive behavior by smiling, nodding, clapping and shaking the hand of child.
- Encourage child to be obedient respectful and honest
- Stimulate the attitude of sharing, helping, and cooperation in children.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to By 24 months
- Interact with people, including, family members, caregiver and peers.
- Recognize self as male or female
- freely express self by 36 months
- Listen to others
- Tell stories, and take turns
- Obey instructions and show simple Courtesy.
1 Communication skills:
e.g. (listening) talking singing, asking question and telling stories.
2. Interaction with peers, family members and others in the community.
- Individual- differences
- Rights of the child to associate self freely.
- Simple greetings, respect, appreciation and courtesy.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Encourage interactions between child, care- giver, parents and others.
- Allow the child to talk and ask question
- Be warm, friendly, caring and responsive to the child’s needs
- Develop and show attached to the child.
- Monitor the child while interacting with people and things in the environment.
- Allow the child initiate activities
- Sing and dance for the children.
- Teach songs that portray honesty and transparency.
- Tell folktales that promote honest living.
Activities – Child:
- Listen to others
- Talk and ask questions
- Sing songs and dance to music
- Play with pears and others in the community
- Participate in group and family activities.
- Tell and listen to stories, poems and rhymes.
- Report any lost and found materials to care- giver.
- Report wrong doings to caregiver.
Caring/Learning Materials:
- Toys
- Picture books
- Musical instruments
- Games
- Story Books
- Radio
- Television
- Poetry book
- Song/Rhymes
- Books
- Films
- Calendars
- Charts /posters
- Video
- Religious books
Evaluation Guide:
- Show signs of confidence, security and friendliness.
- Show acceptable behavior
- Warm, friendly, caring and responsive to the child’s needs.
- Child’s activities supervised
- Stimulating peaceful and social environment maintained.
- Leadership role Exhibited.
National Early Childhood Education Curriculum for Affective and Psychosocial Development Ages 0-3 years
Week 2
Topic: Emotional Development
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
- Strengthen healthy bonds between child and others:
- Encourage good relationship between child and others.
- Respect the basic rights of the child and individual difference.
- Discourage anti-social behavior
- Respond to child’s emotional cues and gestures
- Provide quality and consistent care.
- Display stable emotional disposition.
- Provide conducive environment for emotional development.
- Resolve conflicts among children.
Performance Objectives – Child: Child should be able to:
- Develop positive Self-control.
- Show pride in personal belongings
- Show respect for other people belongings.
Exhibit self-control and confidence.
- Emotional needs of the child.
- Quality care.
- Forming bonds
- Basic rights of the child
- Individual differences
Conflict resolution
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Positive response to the child’s need, e.g. carrying, cuddling, tickling and hugging
- Respond appropriately to child’s anti – social Behaviors.
3. Pay attention and respond to child’s emotional disposition: e.g. joy, love, fear, anxiety, etc.
4. Create opportunities for self-activities.
5. Reinforce positive behavior (e.g. praise child).
Activities – Child:
- Show friendly behavior towards others.
- Imitate positive emotional response of others (e.g. laughing)
3. Identify and take care of belongings.
4. Assist in simple Chores
Caring/Learning Materials:
- Soft toys
- Dolls
- Drawing paper
- Soft balls
- Games
- Mirror
- Mobile toys
- Pictures of emotional expressions
- Songs/ Stories books
• Home corner
• Nature corner
• Picture book
• Musical instrument
• Poetry books
• Clay/Plaster-cine
Evaluation Guide:
- Show joy at the sight/ presence of the parents or caregivers.
- Smile and respond to cuddling and affection of caregiver and parent.
- Generally happy, friendly and contented child.
4. Accept and give compliments
5. Appreciate belongings
6. Recognize other people’s emotional state.
1. Relaxed, warm, affectionate and responsive towards the child.
2. Emotionally stable.
3. Improved handling of child.
4. Ability to cope with emotional needs of the child.
NERDC National Early Childhood Education Curriculum for Affective and Psychosocial Development Ages 0-3 years
Week 3
Topic: Awareness of self
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Guide the child properly to be aware of his/her sex.
2. Help the child develop his/her potentials. Initiate plays
3. Activities that will promote Personality development.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Identify self as boy or girl.
2. Sort Out clothing’s meant for girls and boys.
3. Dress properly
1. Gender fairness
2. Parts of the body
3. Correct dressing.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Avoid gender stereo typing.
2. Teach differences in dressing for boys and girls.
3. Teach songs that relate to part of the body.
Activities – Child:
- Identify self as boy or girl.
Help and care for each other when in need.
Caring/Learning Materials:
- Boys and girls clothing,
- Home corners
- Play equipment Toys
Evaluation Guide:
1. Awareness of self as boy or girl.
2. Friendship among selves
Ability to create friendly atmosphere for self-awareness.
Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (3 – 5 Years)
Week 1
Topic: Social and Mora Development
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver:
Should be able to:
- Identify acceptable cultural beliefs of the family and community
- encourage acceptance of cultural beliefs of the family and the community
- organise healthy competitions among the children
- Stimulate cooperative among the children
- state acceptable behavior for the class
- stimulate children to participate in acceptable cultural activities
- reward good behaviours and discourage anti-social Behaviour
Performance Objectives – Child:
Should be able to:
. recognise the cultural beliefs and values of family and community
. participate in healthy competition and acceptable
cultural activities
.Co-operate with others in social/moral activities
. Exhibit appreciation on the community values and reward systems
- Express views on issues affecting him or her
- freely express self through creative activities e.g. Moulding, tracing, drawing etc
- Social, moral, cultural beliefs and values of the family and community e.g greeting, helping, respect etc.
- Community stories of reward system
- Play with peers and others in the community
- Social institutions e.g Naming ceremony, Kinship, Chieftaincy, Religious etc.
- Peace Education
- Right, and Responsibilities
- conflict resolution
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
- Provide opportunities for the child to:
.listen and react to stories, song and rhymes
. discuss the cultural/ moral beliefs and
social institutions
. organize social and cultural events
•engage in healthy competition
• attend religious and cultural activities
2.invite resource person from the community to talk to children on cultural beliefs and values
3. take children to visit community resource centres and Institutions.
Activities – Child:
- Learn and practice local social habits e.g greetings, manners, dressing, eating, etc
- Talk and ask question about social institutions
- Talks about events in the community
- Dramatize social cultural events and participate in healthy competition with peers
- Participate in cultural and religious activities
- Tell and listen to stories, poems, and rhymes
- Sing song and dance to music
- Share toys and other materials with peers.
Caring/Learning Materials:
• Song books
• Toys
• Puzzles
• Radio
• Television
• Musical
•Picture books
. Discarded Materials
•Walking stick
. Jewelry
• Handbag
• Caps
• Video
•Tape recorder
Evaluation Guide:
- show respect for cultural beliefs, values and social institutions.
- participate in cultural and religious activities
- identify some social institutions within the
- show interest in people and things in the community
- willingness to cooperate with others
- appreciate the child’s social background
- for child’s cultural and social values
- clarify acceptable community reward and punishment system
- provide availability of opportunities for child to Participate in social activities
NERDC National Early Childhood Education Curriculum for Affective and Psychosocial Development
Week 2
Topic: Emotional Development
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Encourage child to develop confidence in self and others
2. Facilitate child’s acquisition of arts and craft skills;
3. Stimulate children to ma friends irrespective of sex and physical challenges
4. Respect the basic rig the child and individual Differences.
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to: lo
1. Express self through plays and dances.
2. Share things with others
- develop more,
Confidence and show
Confidence in others
Accept others; irrespective of sex and challenges
Psychosocial values e.g. Expression of attitude, Love, appreciation, trust, care.
2. Self-expression through play, songs and dance, music, writing, drawing, molding, drama etc.
3. Arts and crafts e.g. molding, drawing, building with wooden blocks or Lego, paper cutting etc.
4. Relationship with people and objects
5. Individual differences and basic Rights.
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Use stimulation, role-play, stories and folklores, music and dance to express various emotional states e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear etc.
2. Take child to visit local artists and craft-men and others places of interest
3. Stimulate gender fairness by using Non-discriminating Materials.
Activities – Child:
- Participates in creative activities through molding, drawing, building, cutting with scissors, tearing papers etc.
- Listen to and tell stories
- Take turns
- Play and share with others
- Sing songs and dance
- Take corrections from peers and others.
Caring/Learning Materials:
• Clay/ plastering
• Wooden blocks
• Lego
• Punching bags
• Paper
• Crayons
• Pencils
• Story Books
• Poetry books
• Song books
• Picture books
• Musical Instrument
• Cards
• Soft toys
• Mobile toys
• Balls
• Plates
• Cups
• Chairs
• Tables
• Plastic containers
• Rattles
• Dolls
• Water
• Sand
• Bed/pillow
• Boxes
Evaluation Guide:
1. Enjoy sharing thing
2. Listen to others and be listened to
3. Enjoy other’s company
4. Has more confidence in self to deal with emotional situations.
1. Sensitive, confident, fair firm with child.
- Provide opportunities for acquisition of creative skills.
- Reward good Behaviors and discourage anti- social behaviors.
Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (3 – 5 Years)
Week 3
Topic: 3. Gender Issues in Child Care
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able to:
1. Assign duties equally children irrespective of
2. Give equal opportune to children to express themselves irrespective sex
3. Encourage teamwork between boys and girls
4. Apply necessary rule equally to children
Performance Objectives – Child: Should be able to:
1. Associate freely with members of their cohort
- appreciate one of another irrespective of sex
- help one another
- Teamwork skills e.g. Play, partnering, expression of appreciation
- Drama
- Dance
- Sorting
- Rhymes/songs
- Selection of shapes and colors
Basic rights and responsibility
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Group children of different sexes for activities like:
• play
• Dance
• rhymes
• singing
2. Show film of other children playing together
3. Tell stories and ask children to identify gender issues
4. Guide children to identify and accept responsibility
Activities – Child:
- Play and share with others irresponsibility of sex
- Sing song and dance together
- Take correction from peers
- Accept Responsibilities.
Caring/Learning Materials:
Gender sensitive
• Story books
• Poetry books
• Musical Instrument
• Toys
• Plates
• Cups
• Radio
• Television
• Video
Building blocks.
Evaluation Guide:
1. Enjoy other’s company
2. Listen to others and be listened to
3. Share ideas and materials without fear or favor
4. Participate freely in different games
5. Identify rights and Responsibilities.
1. Role play, storytelling, rhymes etc. used to encourage group Participation
2. Use of gender fair materials among Children.
Week 4
Topic: Types of Responsibilities
Performance Objectives – Parent/Caregiver: Should be able
1. Stimulate and encourage child to keep home center clean
2. Maintain peace
3. Demonstrate simple household chores
4. Encourage lead role
Performance Objectives – Child:
- keep environment clean
- take care of impersonal and communal belongings
3. Take turns and be orderly and maintain leadership peace
- assist in simple household chores engage in role play
. Types of social responsibilities
a) Cleaning of the home and the center
b) Taking care of personal and communal belongings
2. Orderliness
a) At home
b) At center
c) In the community
3. Maintaining peace e.g. Non-violent cooperation, dialogue and conflict resolution
4. Role play
Activities – Parent/Caregiver:
1. Guide child to keep environment clean and to use dust bins
2. Demonstrate how to sweep, dust, wash small items at home and center
3. Engage child to participate in simple household chores
4. Guide child to take turns, be orderly and maintain peace.
5. Involve children in role-play
Activities – Child:
Participate in keeping the home and center environment clean by
- sweeping
- putting thing away after use
- taking care of personal and communal belongings
2. Taking turns, being orderly and
Maintaining peace 3.engage in role play
Caring/Learning Materials:
• Dustbin
• Dustpan
• Broom
• Napkins
• Rakes
• Cutlass and hoe
• Cabinet and cubicle
• Water
• Basin
• Toys
• Soap
• Towel
• Posters/Chart on pollution
• Home corner
Evaluation Guide:
1. Keep the home and center environment clean
2. Take care of personal and communal belongings
3. Take turns to be orderly and independent
4. Maintain peace
5. Assist in simple household chores
6. Demonstrate leadership straits
1. Appreciate the child’s growing independence and awareness of clean environment
2. Good role model for keeping the environment clean
3. Maintain peaceful and clean environment
Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (0 – 5 Years)
Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (0 – 3 Years)
Affective and Psychosocial Development Curriculum (3 – 5 Years)